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If you used all of these phrases as they are, you would not only have a very large page, but you would have a very high density of certain words like treatment, treating. We obviously have to be very careful about not using a word too many times, so one of
useful features built into KRA is its unique keyword list report. This report shows you all of
unique words that make up a set of phrases. Here are
unique words that make up
above phrases:
alternative az banding best bleeding Care causes chiropractic city coagulation common cure cures current doctor drugs during eat external haemerroid haemmaroid haemmeroids haemorrhoids haemorroid hemarroid hemmoroids hemoids hemorhoid hemorr hemorrhoid hemorrhoidal hemorrhoidectomy hemorrhoids Hemorrihoid hemorroids herbal herbs holistic home how infrared internal irc kansas Laser med micro natural phoenix piles polyps pph preganancy pregnancy review surgical symptoms treat treating treatment treatments type
What this list gives you is a set of keywords that you can use in your content where they make sense. By adding these words to your page, you can theme your page so that it matches lots of frequently searched for phrases.
For example, if you used these words:
treat treating treatment treatments
on your page, you would have
chance to rank in Google for "treat hemorrhoids", "treating hemorrhoids", "hemorrhoid treatment" & "hemorrhoid treatments".
By also using Mispelled variations of hemorrhoids highlighted in this list:
haemerroid haemmaroid haemmeroids haemorrhoids haemorroid hemarroid hemmoroids hemorhoid hemorrhoid hemorrhoids Hemorrihoid hemorroids
together with
above treatment words, you can expect to be found for search phrases containing every combination of
mispellings when searched with a treatment phrase. That's 48 different search phrases that your page could be found for.
above example is one I don't necessarily recommend you follow, since all those mispellings may make your page read very badly. But you get
Perhaps a better use of this type of unique keyword list would be to target
treatment/cure style keywords.
This would not look unnatural:
alternative Care cure cures doctor drugs herbal herbs holistic Laser med natural symptoms treat treating treatment treatments
Add these into your content, together with a couple of alternative spellings, and you can have a page that can potentially rank well for large numbers of hemorrhoid treatment related phrases.
Imagine if you were a search engines, and after analysing your page for theme, you found
above words (and one or two spellings of hemorrhoid).
Would you have any difficulty deciding which theme
page was about?

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