The Critical Role of Training

Written by Carol Verret

Continued from page 1

Torepparttar customer, it indicates that you care about obtaining and retaining their business. Torepparttar 106561 employee, training indicates that you are willing to make an investment in them andrepparttar 106562 future ofrepparttar 106563 company. Even though you are asking them to accomplish more, you are willing to give them something in return -repparttar 106564 training to enhance their skill set so that they can serverepparttar 106565 customer better.

Lest you think this is totally self-serving, I will let you know why I do what I do; it is a sincere passion forrepparttar 106566 customer experience andrepparttar 106567 joy of watching an employee blossom when givenrepparttar 106568 tools to dorepparttar 106569 job. Both ofrepparttar 106570 excuses listed above haverepparttar 106571 same net effect - customers are poorly served and employees remain demoralized and unmotivated.

Good training produces guaranteed quantifiable benefits. If your training has not done that then you need to find a training provider that will measure effectiveness and guarantee results - WOW!

Carol Verret and Associates, offers training and consulting services to the hospitality industry in the areas of sales, marketing and customer service. Carol's latest training product is a comprehensive customer service system, ResultsWOW. Learn more about her services, at

Be sure to subscribe to her newsletter, ResultsWoW Customer Service Newsletter by sending an email to

During midlife career change, do you jump or hold on?

Written by Cathy Goodwin, Ph.D.

Continued from page 1
Clingers also have to ask, "Does this feel right?" Like Jumpers, they must look for safety nets. They learn to read maps and differentiate between dangerous potholes and afternoon shadows. And when they can't get a guaranteed hotel reservation, they learn to make a contingency plan to avoid sleeping inrepparttar park. Jumpers learn to walk where they used to run. Clingers learn to walk where they used to ride. Most people will combinerepparttar 106560 qualities of jumpers and clingers, but you can save a lot of grief by knowing your prevailing style. Jumpers need guides who say, "Stop! Think!" Clingers need guides who motivate them to go. Over-motivated jumpers become daredevils; over-planned clingers lose momentum. Both jumpers and clingers face disaster. Jumpers leap into icy water or treacherous rocks. Clingers find their once-secure shelter has been blown over by a hurricane. Jumpers bring energy and daring to a new venture; clingers bring planning skills and a track record of past accomplishment. Ultimately, both achieve success by recognizing their own operational styles and using their own strengths to survive and thrive in new terrain.

Cathy Goodwin, Ph.D. author, career coach, speaker "When career freedom means business" "When caraeer freedom means relocation" Career Freedom Ezine

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