The Cover Letter made easy

Written by Liana Metal

Continued from page 1

e.g. ‘ This book is based on my own experience in turtle breeding. Or ‘ I have worked in a pet shop for two years...’ . You can add any experience you’ve had on this subject. Ask yourself:

Any other experience relevant? Any studies? Any research?

•Be brief and informative. One page of an A4 sheet is enough.

•Now, if you wish, mention in your letter that you also enclose a sample chapter of your book.

e.g ‘I also enclose a list of chapters and a sample chapter for you to read.’

The cover letter usually goes with a synopsis, a sample

chapter and a list of chapters. This isrepparttar complete proposal package and I always do so myself. However, you can send a cover letter and a synopsis only, but be prepared to have a sample chapter ready whenever you are asked to by a publisher to submit it.

It usually takes a lot of time before you get a reply, so you may as well sendrepparttar 128747 whole package to save time.

•State that you enclose a s.a.e ( a second envelope that is stamped and addressed to yourself). They are not going to reply if you don’t enclose this.

•Closerepparttar 128748 letter. Be polite.

e.g. ‘ Thank you for your time.

I look forward to hearing from you at your earliest


Yours sincerely

Your full name

Your e-mail address

•If you wish to userepparttar 128749 internet to submit your work, followrepparttar 128750 same procedure-of course there’s no need for a s.a.e.

Before you submit any work ,readrepparttar 128751 regulations thoroughly . Some publishers do not accept sample work via e-mail!

Now, you are ready to write your own cover letter.



The above article is included in Liana's book titled: Writing Basics, which is a book for new writers. View it at

Contactrepparttar 128752 author at: --------------------------------------------------------------------------

Liana Metal has been writing fiction and non fiction for many years , and she is currently creating e books. Visit her at and become a contributor.

Inspiration Has Job Security

Written by Stephan Miller

Continued from page 1

Inspiration is for wannabes. Inspiration has job security. It can pick and choose it's opportunities. With millions of hobbyist writers waiting for it to fill out an application, do you really think inspiration will answer your small classified ad that reads, "Inspiration needed to write next article for my newsletter." If you started all of this as a hobby, go ahead and wait. You have time. For those of us who take this seriously, we have to take a more active approach.

That starts by writing every single day. Going to your computer or getting out your notebook every day and writing something, anything and seeing it through torepparttar end. You have no boss to tell you to do this. You have no reason except to put words on paper and improve slowly day by day and eventually make it habit. In order to teach your mind that you aren't playing here, that this isn't a game, that you are not going to tease yourself. You want results. Eventually, if not every day, at least a great majority of them, you will reach that magic spot where you don't want to stop, where you know you have an idea onrepparttar 128745 run and it is not going to get away from you this time.

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