The Core: Unleash Your Inner Caveman

Written by Aaron Potts

Continued from page 1

So what can you do to be more in touch withrepparttar "programmed" caveman inside of you? Simple. Get out there and make an effort! Get up off your backside, stop making excuses, and MOVE. Start fromrepparttar 112844 inside, though - withrepparttar 112845 Core.

What is meant by "the core" isrepparttar 112846 successful inner teamwork of many systems in your body, all of them originating at center mass -repparttar 112847 torso area. We are talking aboutrepparttar 112848 muscles of your lower back and spine,repparttar 112849 Transverse Abdominis muscle behind your "six-pack",repparttar 112850 obliques and other supporting muscles,repparttar 112851 circulatory and neurological systems that power these muscles with fuel and instructions, and many more muscles and tissues that all work together as a unit, collectively being called "the core".

Why does any of this matter to you? After all, it's only what you look like fromrepparttar 112852 outside that matters, right. Wrong! Your body's core is like a power plant. It fuels and controls everything that you do. From moving nutrient and oxygen-rich blood to your extremities, torepparttar 112853 very network of neurological pathways that control your arms and your legs - all of this starts atrepparttar 112854 core.

All of your vital organs and systems are located inrepparttar 112855 core area. Your heart, lungs, spine, stomach, liver, kidneys -repparttar 112856 list goes on. The only thing outside of your torso that you couldn't live without is your head. However, your head is directly connected to your spinal column, which is part ofrepparttar 112857 core!

Part of having a strong core is thatrepparttar 112858 actual muscles are thicker, stronger, and much more resistant to injury. If you have a weak core, you could give yourself a lifetime back injury just by picking up a boxrepparttar 112859 wrong way! Onrepparttar 112860 other hand, if your core muscles are strong and vital, you have a lot more "margin for error" when it comes to bending over, picking things up, keeping your balance, etc.

What about your posture? Posture is definitely controlled by a strong core. Would you think of having good posture as an important thing? You should! If not, let's take a secret shortcut to weight loss: Stand up straight and suck in your gut. Congratulations, you just lost 10 pounds!

Are you starting to seerepparttar 112861 point? It all starts atrepparttar 112862 core, so safeguardingrepparttar 112863 inner-workings of your body is as important as it gets.

There are many great exercises to work your core, but listing them all is beyondrepparttar 112864 scope of this article. The point that you should take home is that working your core should be an integral part of your life - even if you don't exercise on a regular basis. Even if you don't care about weight loss or physical appearance, safeguard your LIFE by having a strong core!

Here are some resources where you can learn about core exercises:

Remember: Your core is your body's power plant. Keep YOUR body running at maximum power!

Aaron Potts is the owner and creator of Fitness Destinations. Aaron's experience in the health and fitness industry includes one on one personal training in many different environments, maintenance of several health-related websites, and authoring of many fitness-related products for consumers and fitness professionals.

Personal Training: 5 Easy Steps to Sanity on the Road

Written by Aaron M. Potts, ISSA CFT

Continued from page 1

Working on Products

Another trait shared by many successful trainers is that their actual training wages make up only part of their income. They also have many products that they sell to their clients, through their websites, and via their newsletter distribution lists. However, just as with training,repparttar same products can only be utilized so many times, and driving time is a perfect time to think up new product ideas.

Whether you are talking about "information" products, such as books, e-books, CD's, DVD's, manuals, etc., or if you construct actual training equipment, use that dead time when you are driving to think of cutting edge product ideas that will not only help your target audience towards their goals, but will also make you a nice residual income inrepparttar 112843 process.

A great example of this isrepparttar 112844 Ultimate Complete Personal Training Business Kit. This kit was constructed simply by takingrepparttar 112845 experiences and knowledge of one trainer, putting it all together in a downloadable package, and makingrepparttar 112846 kit available to others inrepparttar 112847 fitness industry. Learn more here:

Making Phone Calls

As most trainers have realized, phone work is an integral part of keeping a steady flow of clients. Contacting and following up with prospective clients is a sure-fire way to keep your training schedule packed from week to week.

In addition, you can call your present clients to check on them. See how they feel after yesterday's brutal leg workout, or find out if their sore shoulder is feeling any better, or maybe check in with them to ask how their job interview went, or their anniversary dinner. TALK to your clients! When they know that you care, they will keep training with you!


One ofrepparttar 112848 most effective things that you can do as a busy personal trainer when you are driving is NOTHING! Just let your mind be blank. Pay attention torepparttar 112849 road, obviously, but otherwise, just enjoy some mental down time!

You spend hour after hour every single day training, motivating, and educating countless people. Sometimes torepparttar 112850 point that if you tell one more personrepparttar 112851 proper way to do a push up, you just might have to SCREAM!

Let those mental energies have a well deserved break! Listen to some relaxing music and (safely) let your mind wander. Crank out some hard rock and sing your frustrations intorepparttar 112852 wind. Plan your next bout of Karaoke - whatever! The point is that you are doing anything BUT putting your brain on overdrive.


Your time traveling from place to place is YOUR time. Use it well and you will find both your success and your sanity under control, and keep both headed inrepparttar 112853 right direction!

Aaron Potts is the author and creator of The Ultimate Complete Personal Training Business Kit, a quick-start kit and business guide for new as well as seasoned fitness professionals. Find out more about Aaron's programs at or his personal training site at

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