The Conclusion to the Rapture

Written by Michael Bradley

Continued from page 1

Satan already knows he is defeated. He knows he will eventually end up inrepparttar Lake of Fire and Brimstone forever and ever. He knows that this is his last chance for mass destruction and terror. He hates all humans and anything to do with God and heaven. If God would allow him anymore time thanrepparttar 140595 three and half years, I really believe Satan would setrepparttar 140596 world up for mass destruction through nuclear weapons. He would then haverepparttar 140597 satisfaction that he literally destroyedrepparttar 140598 entire world before he goes to his final fate.

But thank God, He will not allow this scenario to go this far. But God is going to allow it to go far enough to teach us all a lesson that we will never ever forget. He is going to show us how quickly humans can be deceived by Satan and his demons, andrepparttar 140599 only thing that has kept this world in one piece forrepparttar 140600 last 6000 years has simply beenrepparttar 140601 power and restraining force of Godrepparttar 140602 Father Himself operating throughrepparttar 140603 Holy Spirit.

Bottom line - there is only maximum life with God or maximum death without Him. The last three and half years inrepparttar 140604 Tribulation will show us what "maximum death" will really be like when God removes His Church offrepparttar 140605 face of this earth, and he then allowsrepparttar 140606 Devil andrepparttar 140607 Antichrist to do what they want withrepparttar 140608 power that will be given to them.
After we watch and see all of these events unfold, we will never, ever want to forsake our God again. We will come torepparttar 140609 full realization that without God in our lives - that we can never have or find true happiness, joy, love, peace or fulfillment in our lives.

Without God in our lives, there is only eventual maximum death, andrepparttar 140610 last three and half years on this earth is going to prove that point once and for all to all of us. It will berepparttar 140611 greatest history lesson thatrepparttar 140612 world will ever receive, and something that we will never ever forget forrepparttar 140613 rest of our eternal lives.

Will there be a Rapture? You will each have to decide for yourselves onrepparttar 140614 wayrepparttar 140615 above Scripture verses are worded. My conclusion, after putting allrepparttar 140616 above verses together like a "jigsaw puzzle," is that there will be a rapture, and that it will occur sometime beforerepparttar 140617 beginning ofrepparttar 140618 7 year Tribulation.

I feelrepparttar 140619 Rapture is a "mystery" from God, and that it is "hidden" inrepparttar 140620 above verses. God does not wantrepparttar 140621 rest ofrepparttar 140622 unbelieving world to have full access to this mystery, otherwise people will be accepting salvation forrepparttar 140623 wrong reasons - to escaperepparttar 140624 coming horrors ofrepparttar 140625 Tribulation and not with a true, repentant heart to want to accept Jesus as their personal Lord and Savior forrepparttar 140626 sinners that we all truly are.

Again, you may want to put this article onrepparttar 140627 shelf inrepparttar 140628 event that we start to fast approach end time events in our lifetime. This article will make for good debate with other Christians who may not believe inrepparttar 140629 Rapture.

Article written by Michael Bradley of Bible Knowledge Ministries. Their website is a resource of Bible commentary and teaching. If you do not want to wait for the next article, you can go to our end times section. Copyright © 2005 by Michael Bradley. All Rights Reserved.

A Scriptural Look At Sin

Written by Stephen Kingery

Continued from page 1
As hard as I try, I cannot overcomerepparttar human tendency to sin. It is impossible for us to live a life free of sin, perhaps even a day without some form of sin in our lives. However, as Christians we have two important items to consider: (1) Jesus died for our sins, and therefore, we have been forgiven of our past sins and our future sins (the shortcomings or "missingrepparttar 140583 mark" so to speak); and (2) we must do everything in our power to controlrepparttar 140584 human tendency to sin. In other words, we must strive to identify sin in our lives and then get rid of it. I know that this is a difficult matter in relation to some sin. For example, there are those of us who have what we might call a "private sin." A "private sin" is that which we as an individual deal with each day to overcome but it still plagues us, it seems continuously. This "private sin" could be any number of things: lust, desire for money, pleasure, hatred for someone, a drinking problem and so forth. The key here is that we must always be onrepparttar 140585 look out for it, and guard against it having an effect on our lives and relationships with friends, family and especially God. How can a Christian overcome sin in his or her life? Have you ever really stopped to consider this question? Have you tried to overcome sin and been forced to conclude that you just can't? Have you perhaps given up even trying? I really have two thoughts on this subject. First, I don't think that a Christian can overcome sin. If that were possible, we would not needrepparttar 140586 sacrifice that Jesus made for us as it relates to our future sin. (Remember that before we became a Christian we were sinners and as such neededrepparttar 140587 sacrifice of Jesus' dying onrepparttar 140588 cross for us to receive remission of sin. That is not what I am talking about here.) When Jesus died onrepparttar 140589 cross, He took ALL our sin torepparttar 140590 cross (not justrepparttar 140591 sins we committed before we became Christians). If we were capable of overcoming sin, we would have just been forgiven of our past sins. The second thought I have is, even though we as an individual cannot overcome sin, we can through Jesus realize a victory over sin. "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." (Philippians 4:13) In other words, we (by ourselves) cannot overcome sin; but we (through Jesus Christ and His strength) can realize a victory over sin. Is sin still going to be in our lives from time to time? Yes! Do we have to let sin control our lives? No! Can we control sin - through Jesus Christ? Yes! Now even though I have said that it is through Jesus that we are able to control sin, I need to make one thing perfectly clear. It is still up to us as torepparttar 140592 degree to which sin is controlled! We must take action! How does one go about controlling sin? Or better yet, how does one call uponrepparttar 140593 strength of Jesus Christ to help us in this effort? The answer is really quite simple. The degree to which you are able to control sin in your life is in relation torepparttar 140594 degree to which you allow God's Word to work in your life. Allow me to explain. Perhaps you are a Christian, and go to church every Sunday morning and that's it. Are you allowing God's Word to strengthen you to overcomerepparttar 140595 battles you will have to fight forrepparttar 140596 coming week in relation to sin. Probably not! Onrepparttar 140597 other hand, if you are faithful torepparttar 140598 worship services torepparttar 140599 fullest extent possible, spend daily time in prayer and Bible study, faithful in your giving, faithful torepparttar 140600 Lord's Supper and so forth, you will findrepparttar 140601 strength necessary to overcomerepparttar 140602 temptations of sin. When you spend quality time in prayer and Bible study you receiverepparttar 140603 strength that is in God's word to know what is right andrepparttar 140604 strength to do it. How does it happen? I don't know. I just know that it does. I know because I have experienced it. When I am faithful in those areas mentioned above, I am happier and it is much easier for me to overcomerepparttar 140605 temptations which come along each day. One of my favorite Scriptures is found inrepparttar 140606 book of Joshua when he was giving a speech torepparttar 140607 Israelites just before they enterrepparttar 140608 promised land. He is telling them that they are to choose which god they are going to follow. Joshua says. "... choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve,. . . But as for me and my house, we will serverepparttar 140609 Lord." (Joshua 24:15) We too in America today need to choose this day (and every day) whom (or what) we will serve. Are we to serverepparttar 140610 Lord - or will we serve sin? All Scriptures quoted are fromrepparttar 140611 New King James Version unless otherwise noted.

Stephen Kingery is an author, preacher, teacher and founder of Be Ye Doers Of The Word. Visit our site at

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