The Community Advantage

Written by Lois M. Jeary

Continued from page 1

And don't be concerned about it being a 'new technology' because Quikonnex was made for those of us without a techie degree. They believe in support and live training. They even created their own reader called QuikView which you can customize. It's also a bookmark server so you can add your favorite links and access everything from any computer.

You're still notified when someone subscribes to your site. You can track your ad campaigns. Your readers can comment directly on items you post. Andrepparttar beauty is that it's all done from one place. Once you see how easy it is, you will wonder why you are sticking with email as your delivery method. Take a look at: and you'll see for yourself how easy it is to become a member of repparttar 116999 Quikonnex community and that membership in Quikonnex definitely has it's privileges. Give it a try. It won't cost you a thing and you will be pleasantly surprised.

Direct To Desktop Communication

And since email has become so unreliable,repparttar 117000 creators of Quikonnex even developed their own direct to desktop communication medium called QMTP. Membership in Quikonnex will give you access to this system. Connect with your fellow publishers or subscribers without having to wade through your email client to do it. For me it's been an effective alternative to email.

Web Conferencing

The latest addition to Quikonnex is web conferencing. Imagine being able to show your readers how your latest software works or help them with a problem on their computer. What about training through a web conference? The possibilities are endless. As a Quikonnex member, you'll be able to set up your own web conference room.

Valuable Real Estate

Anyone connected torepparttar 117001 internet will use their browser to gain access to different websites. And since Quikonnex resides as a sidebar tool in your browser, you and your readers will have easy access to everything you need. This sidebar can also be customized to carry your logo as well as links to your website. Now that's viral marketing.

The Community Advantage

The advantage of building and working within a community is that you aren't left on your own trying to 're-inventrepparttar 117002 wheel'. Working as a team can benefit your business in numerous ways because you can share ideas, expand your marketing efforts and brainstorm with like-minded and innovative individuals.

And that's why I believerepparttar 117003 Quikonnex system is perfect for anyone serious about their publishing efforts. It's quick, it's clean and it's safe and gives you a simple way to stay connected to your readers. And isn't that what it's all about? Staying connected?

Lois Jeary publishes KIT (Keeping In Touch) through her Home4Success channel which features straight forward articles, helpful hints and suggestions, interaction with subscribers and more. Easy to subscribe: She's a 'recovering email publisher' who saw the light and kicked the email habit.

Five Steps to An Effective Business Plan

Written by Vishal P. Rao

Continued from page 1

In a nutshell, a mission statement providesrepparttar answers to all of these questions in less than 50 words: What am I selling? Who am I selling it to? Why am I selling it? It doesn't need to be just one sentence, but keep it as brief as possible.

Goals and objectives,repparttar 116998 other components ofrepparttar 116999 company overview, are often confused by first time business plan writers. Remember that goals are things your company wants to achieve while your objectives are how they plan to get there.

Business Environment

This section will probably require you to do some outside research because it involves information relating to your industry, your market, and your competition. You need to take an honest look atrepparttar 117000 field you are preparing to enter and pay close attention to its structure, its trends, and its barriers to new businesses. Become familiar withrepparttar 117001 major competitors in your industry and decide how you will differentiate yourself from them. Also, get to know your potential customers and what makes them tick. The more you know about them,repparttar 117002 more likely you will be to turn them into buyers.

Company Description

At this point in your business plan, you need to go into detail about your business. You can't simply define your company in terms of what you sell, but also in terms of who you serve, what resources you will use, what types of employees you are looking for, what type of distribution method you'll utilize, and more. All of this factors combine to create your company.

In addition to this, you should also state your company's UPS (Unique Positioning Statement). This is a one sentence statement that explains what sets you apart from all ofrepparttar 117003 competitors.

Action Plan

The last part of your business plan is this section which outlinesrepparttar 117004 steps you need to take now in order to make your plan work. These should also reflectrepparttar 117005 goals and objectives that you've outlined in your company overview.

Besides these primary pieces of a business plan, you may also need to include a financial section, particularly if you plan on using it to get outside funding for your business. This may take more thought and planning thanrepparttar 117006 other sections because it will require you to make some assumptions about your business's revenue potential. The most important thing is to base any estimates on realistic expectations, not optimistic dreams.

You may want to visitrepparttar 117007 following websites for some samples to give you an idea of how things should be formatted and worded:

With some useful models and this helpful information, you'll be well on your way to completing your effective and professional business plan.

Vishal P. Rao is the editor of Home Based Business Opportunities - A website dedicated to opportunities, ideas and resources for starting a home based business. Visit him at:

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