The Commander in Chief's Bold Surprise Iraq Visit: Happy Thanksgiving ! Written by J.R.
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Imagine that. Do you think you would have heard those comments about Clinton. Senator Hillary Clinton was visiting troops in Afghanistan where they seemed much more impressed with holiday meal than with her. Thank You Mr. President for taking time with our troops during a very important American holiday, one that was established to celebrate and remember our blessings. Let us never forget that Americans fought and died to preserve that freedom. Let us never forget that freedom is not FREE, and let us never forget that enemies of United States of America will not stop in their relentless pursuit of destruction of those freedoms unless we are a strong and committed nation. Committed to safety and security of our nation and her allies, committed to causes and supporters of freedom. I thank god for leadership and wisdom of our Commander in Chief, President George W. Bush, a true compassionate leader, guided by christian principles, moral values and integrity. Our nation is much better off, for this reason.
J.R. is the host of Talk Show America, a conservative talk show that can be heard Mon-Fri 4-6 PM EST Live on the IBC Radio Network or 24/7 on The TALK SHOW AMERICA Show or go to Political News &
| | The Capture of Saddam: Great News for Americans and Iraqis, Bad News for the Liberals and the Main Stream News Media ! Written by J.R.
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Lets not forget human rights groups and International Red Cross who are demanding to see Saddam Hussein and stating concern for his treatment and his condition. Where were these groups when Saddam was raping, torturing, and using chemical and biological weapons on Iraqi people. They showed little or no concern for innocent victims of a tyrannical madman, yet they snivel and whine about same madman who has now been captured and will pay for his crimes after a trial. Forgive me if I don't share same concern. Saddam is being treated well by his coalition captors, something that I'm sure would not have happened if roles were reversed, and where would Red Cross and Human Rights groups be then? Our troops did a great job in capturing Hussein. President Bush has now fufilled another promise that he made to Iraqi and American people, capture of Saddam Hussein. The No Clue Nine, main stream news media, and liberals have lost yet another issue that they bring up all time, "Where is Saddam Hussein"? He's in Baghdad, in U.S. Military custody, look out Osama, you're next!
J.R. is the host of Talk Show America, a conservative talk show that can be heard Mon-Fri 4-6 PM EST Live on the IBC Radio Network or 24/7 on The TALK SHOW AMERICA Show or go to Political News &