The Christmas Gift (Short Story)

Written by C. Bailey-Lloyd/LadyCamelot

Continued from page 1

Renee reluctantly began to walk away, but she stopped, 'Pa, let me stay just a few more minutes. Maybe they'll leave and I can go and see her again?' she pleaded.

Pa answered, 'okay - but just a few more minute, ya hear?' Pa walked back home. Renee waited about half an hour whenrepparttar men got into their trucks and drove away. Quietly, she walked over to Sady's pen. It seemed thatrepparttar 110671 pen had been ripped apart and there was no sight of Sady. 'Oh no,' she thought, 'Sady - where are ya girl?' she called.

Inrepparttar 110672 corner ofrepparttar 110673 pen, Renee spotted a large, wooden crate. Carefully, she pulledrepparttar 110674 mesh aside and slowly crawled through to get insiderepparttar 110675 kennel. Looking from side to side, she made her way torepparttar 110676 crate. She could hear faint, muffled sounds but wasn't sure what to make of it. Oh so cautiously, she proceeded to peer insiderepparttar 110677 crate. What she would see would change her life forever. Pulling openrepparttar 110678 broken, but ajar top, she discovered a mound of tiny, four-legged fur balls. All of them looked like beautiful Sady. 'Ah,' she whispered, 'that was your secret.' But where was Sady?

Just then,repparttar 110679 man owner ran outrepparttar 110680 back door and hollered at Renee, 'Wudya doin' here?!' Startled, Renee ran, tripping throughrepparttar 110681 wire fence to escaperepparttar 110682 harsh man. She ran so fast that she never looked back. Suddenly, Renee slipped on a slick, icy rock and plunged intorepparttar 110683 freezing ravine. One thing Renee never learned how to do was to swim.

As she struggled to keep her head aboverepparttar 110684 icy currents, she tried to scream, butrepparttar 110685 water was so cold that only muffled whispers came from her little voice. No one could hearrepparttar 110686 little girl's pleas as her head bobbed up and down beneathrepparttar 110687 torrent waters. But just as she was about to give up, someone did hear Renee's calls for help.

There, hiding betweenrepparttar 110688 blanketed holly berry bushes was Sady. She could seerepparttar 110689 little girl inrepparttar 110690 icy waters. Sady heard Renee's unheard cries for help. Without a minute to waste, Sady struggled to maneuver her way torepparttar 110691 frozen depths below. As soon as Sady got torepparttar 110692 riverbank, little Renee went underrepparttar 110693 water forrepparttar 110694 last time. Sady panicked and jumped in afterrepparttar 110695 small child. Disappearing intorepparttar 110696 murky, cold waters, Sady astonishingly re-emerged with Renee's lifeless body in tow. Carefully, she swam torepparttar 110697 riverside, pulling Renee fromrepparttar 110698 water.

Once atoprepparttar 110699 wet, snowy earth, Sady dug a large trench and pushedrepparttar 110700 little girl inside. Laying atop of her, Sady tried to warmrepparttar 110701 little girl's frozen body. About that time, Pa came running over torepparttar 110702 dog, 'Get away, dawg!' he yelled at Sady, not knowing what had just happened.

But Sady just stayed there, covetingrepparttar 110703 little girl's limp body. Licking her face, Renee suddenly coughed up a mouthful of river water. Pa raced to Renee's side, pushingrepparttar 110704 big dog out ofrepparttar 110705 way, 'Renee, pun'kin!' he hollered, 'you okay?!' he added.

With that, Sady looked on with her big brown eyes. Renee opened her eyes and grabbed her Pa's neck, 'Pa,' she cried, 'what happened?'

Pa looked at Sady and then back at Renee, 'is thisrepparttar 110706 dawg you were talkin' about?'

Just then, Sady gently pawed Pa's arm and nudged her way over to Renee. Lying down beside Renee, Sady softly licked Renee's blued fingers and lovingly kissed her face too.

Right after Renee was able to regain her balance,repparttar 110707 man from Sady's kennel came up behind her and Pa with a shotgun in tow. 'Get outta da way!'repparttar 110708 man hollered at Pa, 'that dawg is worthless!'

Pa stood affront of Renee and Sady, and sternly peered back atrepparttar 110709 man, 'Lemme' tell you something, Mr. I don't know who's dawg this is, but this dawg is NOT worthless and if it weren't for this dawg, my daughter would've surely drowned in that there river - so YOU get from here.'

Shocked,repparttar 110710 man retorted, 'but, but...' he stuttered, 'she's left a mess of pups up atrepparttar 110711 house and I ain't gonna put up with all that whimperin' and whinin'.'

Renee looked up at Pa, and her eyes pleaded with him. Pa looked down at Sady, who was shivering fromrepparttar 110712 wet and cold, 'I'll tell ya what,' Pa said torepparttar 110713 man, 'I'd say I owe this dawg a lot for saving my little Renee,' he paused and contemplated a thought, 'I'll take this dawg and her pups.'

'But she's my dawg,' saidrepparttar 110714 man.

'You mean, she was your dawg,' he took Sady firmly byrepparttar 110715 collar and pulled Renee next to his side, 'now, we're gonna go up to yer house and we're gonna get those pups. And then we're gonna go to my house where Renee can raise `em up `till they're old enough to go to good, and loving homes.'

'You can't do that!' said Sady's owner.

'Yes I can, and we will.'

Pushing his way pastrepparttar 110716 man, Pa, Renee and Sady slowly walked torepparttar 110717 man's house, and just as easily as she had crawled in before, Renee went torepparttar 110718 crate and handedrepparttar 110719 pups, one by one to Pa throughrepparttar 110720 wire mesh. Placingrepparttar 110721 tiny dogs inside his inner coat poach, he, Renee and Sady all went home together.

When they got home, Pa had Renee to go and change out of her sopping-wet clothing and he put on a warm, soothing fire inrepparttar 110722 wood stove. Lying besiderepparttar 110723 warmth, Renee put her arms around Sady as she nursed her pups.

Though Pa didn't have a gift to give Renee this Christmas, Sady was able to give both of themrepparttar 110724 best Christmas Gift ever. And to this day, Renee still seeks to help those animals in need thanks torepparttar 110725 love of a gentle giant.


The moral of this story is, that Christmas is not about packages, ribbons or any material things - Christmas is aboutrepparttar 110726 gift of loving, caring, compassion, understanding and most of all being able to give of ones self despite what life may bring. Christmas is, after all,repparttar 110727 season of brotherly love. Why not setrepparttar 110728 example today.


© 2004 The Christmas Gift by C. Bailey-Lloyd (aka. LadyCamelot) See this and other articles like this one at

C. Bailey-Lloyd/LadyCamelot is the Public Relations Director and Staff Writer for, and

My Father Who Art in Heaven

Written by Robert Bruce Baird

Continued from page 1

Twenty years passed before I read Aristotle's 'Nichomachean Ethics' and saw my 'contribution dynamics of day to day life' were therein contemplated. He had written this book in honour of his father, whose ethics had inspired him. Maybe that means society had screwed his father up a little inrepparttar matter of women too, I can't say it comes through in this book and I know that lots of people have wanted to put these words intorepparttar 110670 mouth of great men so others would follow. My father had failed to find his equal in love and my mother was a schizophrenic. He never implicated to us that this wasrepparttar 110671 way of women and it was a great sorrow to him that we might be negatively inclined towards women as a result. It did happen to my oldest brother in some weird ways that I cannot trace to my father. My own placement of women on a pedestal was no doubt partially due to a lack of a good female role model or trusted friend (that a sister might have supplied).

Like fine porcelain objets d'art, I marveled at their depth and beauties as if on a pedestal byrepparttar 110672 gods they had been placed. 'Jim' was long dead when I began to write in earnest in order to attempt to expressrepparttar 110673 Joy of LEARNING he had encouraged in me. Allrepparttar 110674 marvels, mysteries, experiences and loves of life (except having children) had been mine. I knew my writing skills were rudimentary at best. Big words andrepparttar 110675 gift ofrepparttar 110676 gab are not all it takes. With little hope of capturingrepparttar 110677 essence in style, I proceeded to do what Jim could easily have done. His wit and style, his writing skills were plentiful. I had encouraged him to take this as his purpose before his life ended. There had been two years during which our time together centered on his impending demise inrepparttar 110678 physical form. That was due to my 'occult' study of things like palm and face reading (chirogamy and physiogamy). It was clear to me that he would die aroundrepparttar 110679 age of 65. Unless, and it is a big word, just like 'IF'. Free will can over-riderepparttar 110680 confluence of forces that create action if that free will is properly constructed with RIGHT THOUGHT. The best construct for me has always been helping others and giving. Thus I felt it would be for him. If he devoted himself torepparttar 110681 path of giving to all of societyrepparttar 110682 many things he knew that few apprehended. He was a truly educated man and could have been a Renaissance man if he had not devoted himself to our upbringing.

He said he had poor eyesight and had no desire to cheat fate. He was also quite unconvinced that such concepts had a high degree of fact and likelihood. Like me, he had always doubted and knewrepparttar 110683 value of such skepticism. He likedrepparttar 110684 idea of a spiritual cosmology that had a plan, purpose and consciousness in collective dimensional layers that harmonize. He knew I was not a follower and that my psychic experiences had been real for me. We all try to fool ourselves with massive rationale and wishful thinking. He did not accuse me of this, but he may have thought it - it was good to talk about his life and prepare myself. Saying how much he meant to me and my brothers for many times was a balm for my soul. There were so many things to thank him for and none of them were easy for him to listen to. Inrepparttar 110685 end it was enough to honor his freedom and accept his choice to take whatever happened in stride. We put him inrepparttar 110686 groundrepparttar 110687 day after he turned 65.

He had a note in his wallet that gave me asrepparttar 110688 person to call inrepparttar 110689 event he died. I amrepparttar 110690 third born. He knew I knew what to say and that my story of where he was going was real and good. He had been given a clean bill of health to work after his retirement age just a couple of weeks earlier, before he went torepparttar 110691 cottage for his vacation. He died of a heart attack and had crawled up from where he was working onrepparttar 110692 dock, as near as we can figure. He loved that place as much as he loved us. Years earlier he had visited me in Miami and we had time together as he thought about what he would do when he retired. His time in Miami Beach led him to say it was an ‘elephant graveyard’ that could not be his ending place. I stopped foretelling death!

Success is not my goal and no one should emulate me, it is a lonely and painful existence to be blessed with such insight. The gifts carry a heavy responsibility and separate me from those who I most enjoy. There is alwaysrepparttar 110693 need even if I don't want to, to reach out and help someone. Being outsiderepparttar 110694 materially focused 'reality' and trying to changerepparttar 110695 world like Don Quixote can also become something of a bore, when allrepparttar 110696 little things one does are crushed inrepparttar 110697 mendacity of despair and disbelief that allowsrepparttar 110698 ego to deny its soul. No, I expect NO recognition and I know there is hope to see and learn for humanity. Inrepparttar 110699 end if my writing has an impact it will make me have to do things that will take me away fromrepparttar 110700 constant proof of ancient lovers of life that I do enjoy honoring in these words. It matters little what others think (I take a lot of pride in what they do.) because I know my soul will suffer less and enjoy more,repparttar 110701 fruits of all I have learned, wherever I go. Columnist in The ES Press E-zine Author of Diverse Druids Free courses at

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