The Changing Face of Business

Written by Cheryl Rickman

Continued from page 1

So, in order to help others deal withrepparttar fragmented nature ofrepparttar 106868 New Economy, this company is combining old rhetoric ideologies withrepparttar 106869 latest modern technology and combining development of behaviour withrepparttar 106870 key trait of trust. With more and more companies merging and taking on alliances,repparttar 106871 need for trust is ever important – Transform People International see trust as a key methodology for building business in tougher economic climate. Andrepparttar 106872 results of this focus speak for themselves.

Bruce Davidson, Sales Program Director for one ofrepparttar 106873 world’s top three IT companies says, “Overrepparttar 106874 past two years Transform People International has arguably made more significant difference to how our Enterprise Account Teams perform than any other area of training. The fact that we have tracked in excess of $1 billion added to our business pipeline and have developed significant new trusted adviser relationships is testament torepparttar 106875 power of what they have helped us develop. Their program design and delivery expertise has genuinely transformed our operations with tangible gains beyond expectation.”

Another programme that focuses on Aristotle’s Rhetoric while using modern technologies isrepparttar 106876 Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Course, Writing torepparttar 106877 World-Wide Web ( While its focus is on writing forrepparttar 106878 epicentre of our New Economy,repparttar 106879 Internet; this course examines Ethos, Logos and Pathos as its main focus and fuses old and new to create a winning training course.

Evidently, by focussing on individuals, behavioural change andrepparttar 106880 notion of trust and then combining old ideologies and new visions, companies have a chance to thrive inrepparttar 106881 forthcoming years.

Embracing Traditional Values to Achieve Work-Life Balance Another example of this combining of old traditional ideas (in this case family values) with new technology to forge winning results isrepparttar 106882 work-life-balance philosophy that both recent winners ofrepparttar 106883 Lloyds TSB Britain’s Best Boss competition share. Both have strong family values and a strong belief inrepparttar 106884 notion that a happy workforce is a productive one.

Says Kevin Coleman of Swift Construction, winner of this year’s Britain’s Best Boss competition, “All of my full time staff have children so, if they need to pick them up, take torepparttar 106885 doctors or attend their sports day, that’s fine, as long as I have notice for preplanned work. Staff members are also free to bring their children in here if they need too, no problem. Flexibility is crucial.

If people want to start later and finish later that’s fine. I’m all for getting a job done well with a happy team because this means there are ultimately fewer problems andrepparttar 106886 client is happy. In my experience a happy and well-informed staff is a productive one and this, in turn, leads to a happy client base and plenty of referrals.”

This flexible attitude and focus on traditional family values is fused with heightened communication via mobile, e-mail, phone or fax and has paid great dividends for Kevin. In six years, Coleman has achieved tenfold growth in his highly successful operation.

Similarly, a flexible and holistic philosophy isrepparttar 106887 linchpin of working life at Aricot Vert, whererepparttar 106888 previous years winner of Britain’s Best Boss, Lin Arigho, is Directory.

At Aricot Vert Design Lin enablesrepparttar 106889 staff to remain focused on their jobs while inrepparttar 106890 office, but free to take care of family issues and appointments if needs be. Again,repparttar 106891 end result of this philosophy is a happy working environment in whichrepparttar 106892 staff is focused and performs well.

Says Lin, ““I see work and family as a whole,” says Lin, “rather than having a distinct cut off point betweenrepparttar 106893 two. Work-life balance means making a life choice so you pack more in but work just as hard. It’s certainly notrepparttar 106894 easy option. The rewards are that you see more of your family and fit what you want into your life and with a flexible philosophy you getrepparttar 106895 most from your staff too.”

It seems, therefore, in order to succeed inrepparttar 106896 new era of modern business a focus must be put on a business’s people – on their trustworthiness, behaviour, skills and growth. Additionally,repparttar 106897 ingredients for success inrepparttar 106898 New Economy are a combination of old ideologies, such as family values, work-life-balance andrepparttar 106899 ‘Art of Persuasion’, together withrepparttar 106900 use of modern technology and communication advances.

Useful Resources to Achieve Success inrepparttar 106901 New Economy

Cheryl Rickman e-mail: In-depth Website Appraisals, Personalised Web Promotion Plans, plus Web Page Copywriting and Editing Services and Press Release packages.

Tips for Researching a Franchise Business

Written by June Campbell

Continued from page 1

6. When Will You Break Even? Based on your investment andrepparttar breakeven analyses inrepparttar 106867 OP, how long before you reachrepparttar 106868 breakeven point and start making a return on your investment? Do you have financial strategies that will allow you and your business to survive untilrepparttar 106869 breakeven point? What sort of profits might you reasonably expect to make? Franchisors are not required by US law to offer profit projections to their franchisees. However, if they do, they are required to base their projections on concrete research.

7. How are Conflicts Resolved? Is there a Conflict Resolution Policy in place? What do other franchisee's say aboutrepparttar 106870 company's approach to addressing conflicts? Under what circumstances canrepparttar 106871 company terminate your contract? If your contract is terminated, will you lose your investment? When willrepparttar 106872 contract be up for renewal? Hint: Franchise contracts that are renewed do not necessarily keeprepparttar 106873 same terms asrepparttar 106874 original contract. Terms could be less favorable.

8. Willrepparttar 106875 Franchisor's Advertising Campaign Benefit You? You are required to pay a fee towardsrepparttar 106876 franchisor's advertising campaign. Find outrepparttar 106877 extent to which this campaign will benefit your outlet. Do you have any control over howrepparttar 106878 advertising dollars are spent? Can you conduct your own advertising? Do you need permission to do so? Do franchisees benefit from any commissions or rebates thatrepparttar 106879 franchisor receives?

9. What'srepparttar 106880 History of Failed Outlets? Before investing, find outrepparttar 106881 number of outlets that have failed. High numbers could indicate systemic problems. Be aware that some franchisors will disguise failed outlets by turning them into company-owned stores. If you are purchasing an existing outlet, be sure to find how many previous operators have operatedrepparttar 106882 service and why they left. Hint: Conduct interviews with people who have recently left or joinedrepparttar 106883 franchise. Be sure to ask ifrepparttar 106884 franchise company is deliveringrepparttar 106885 promised supports and services.

June Campbell How to Write Business Plans, Business Proposals, JV Contracts,Human Resource Package, More! No-cost ebook "Beginners Guide to Ecommerce". Business Writing by Nightcats Multimedia Productions

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