The Cardio Question

Written by Ryan Betzina

Continued from page 1
function. Amidst all of these good reasons to do cardio work,repparttar biggest reason for most people is to lose fat. How much should you do though? If you are a beginner, or if you just haven't done any cardio activities for a few months, you should limit your first few sessions to only 10-15 min. After you've done it for a few weeks and have built up some endurance, you should increase your cardio sessions to 20-60 min. You begin to burn more fat than carbohydrates after 20 minutes. Because of this, shorter cardio sessions are best for maintaining your current weight, while longer sessions are best for losing weight. If you just want to maintain your current weight then 60-90 minutes PER WEEK will usually be adequate. How you choose to split that time up duringrepparttar 115866 week is your choice and depends on your level of endurance. If your goal is to burn as much bodyfat as you can, 2-5 hours of cardio PER WEEK will be sufficient. Your sessions should be 40-60 minutes in length. The best time to do your cardio sessions for maximum fat loss is right away inrepparttar 115867 morning before you eat anything. After you've been asleep for 6-8 hours, repparttar 115868 level of sugar (glucose) in your blood is very low and your body will use stored fat as an alternative energy source. If you are consistent with your cardio workouts and can incorporate them into your life, you will see results!

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7 Easy Ways To Boost Your Metabolism

Written by Ryan Betzina

Continued from page 1

They make your hair stronger and shinier, as well as make our skin smoother.

They also help prevent fat storage throughout your body.

5. Do early aerobics... If you do any aerobics, try to do them inrepparttar morning shortly after you wake up and before you eat...this is when your blood-sugar is at its lowest.

Your body will need energy to powerrepparttar 115865 workout, and since you haven’t eaten yet, it will be forced to use stored fat as a fuel source instead ofrepparttar 115866 sugar in your blood.

6. Water! Water! Water! I can’t stress this enough...

Water does so many things for your body that it’s hard to know where to start! Try to drink at least 48 ounces a day...that is about 5-6 glasses a day.

Water helps to rid your body of harmful toxins and will also keep you hydrated.

Here are some interesting and informative reasons why water is so important for your health: · 75% of Americans are chronically dehydrated. (This likely applies to halfrepparttar 115867 world population)

· Even MILD dehydration will slow down one’s metabolism by as much as 3%

· Lack of water isrepparttar 115868 #1 trigger of daytime fatigue.

· Research indicates that 8-10 glasses of water a day could significantly ease back and joint pain for up to 80% of sufferers.

· A mere 2% decrease in body water can trigger fuzzy short-term memory, trouble with basic math, and difficulty focusing on a computer screen or printed page.

· Drinking 5 glasses of water per day can decreaserepparttar 115869 risk of colon cancer by 45%, breast cancer by 79% and bladder cancer by 50%. You will be surprised at how much better you will feel by just following this simple step.

7. Eat More Garlic And Oregano... This seems simple enough right??

By simply eating more garlic and oregano, you are actually cleaning out your intestinal walls. Sounds gross right?

You might be wondering “How can cleaning my intestines help me lose weight?”

The intestinal walls are actually made up of many tiny pores that absorbrepparttar 115870 nutrients fromrepparttar 115871 food we eat. These tiny pores are very good at absorbing nutrients and keeping out toxins.

When your intestines are “dirty”, these tiny pores actually get a little bigger and along with absorbing nutrients, they also absorb those toxins. Normally, these toxins are too big to pass throughrepparttar 115872 pores.

When this happens you become “toxic” and it is VERY HARD for your body to lose weight and increase your metabolism.

And there you have it! 7 easy ways for absolutely anybody to increase their metabolism and start living a healthier lifestyle.

The Easy Health Secrets Weightloss Program is your step-by-step roadmap for fatloss success...GUARANTEED! Ryan Betzina has created the ultimate no-brainer, step-by-step weightloss plan to have you shedding inches from those "trouble-spots". For more info visit: Also, sign-up for his FREE weekly tips and recipes by sending a blank email to:

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