The Capture of Saddam: Great News for Americans and Iraqis, Bad News for the Liberals and the Main Stream News Media !

Written by J.R.

Continued from page 1

Lets not forgetrepparttar human rights groups andrepparttar 125990 International Red Cross who are demanding to see Saddam Hussein and stating concern for his treatment and his condition. Where were these groups when Saddam was raping, torturing, and using chemical and biological weapons onrepparttar 125991 Iraqi people. They showed little or no concern for innocent victims of a tyrannical madman, yet they snivel and whine aboutrepparttar 125992 same madman who has now been captured and will pay for his crimes after a trial. Forgive me if I don't sharerepparttar 125993 same concern. Saddam is being treated well by his coalition captors, something that I'm sure would not have happened ifrepparttar 125994 roles were reversed, and where wouldrepparttar 125995 Red Cross andrepparttar 125996 Human Rights groups be then?

Our troops did a great job in capturing Hussein. President Bush has now fufilled another promise that he made torepparttar 125997 Iraqi and American people,repparttar 125998 capture of Saddam Hussein. The No Clue Nine,repparttar 125999 main stream news media, andrepparttar 126000 liberals have lost yet another issue that they bring up allrepparttar 126001 time, "Where is Saddam Hussein"?

He's in Baghdad, in U.S. Military custody, look out Osama, you're next!

J.R. is the host of Talk Show America, a conservative talk show that can be heard Mon-Fri 4-6 PM EST Live on the IBC Radio Network or 24/7 on The TALK SHOW AMERICA Show or go to Political News &

The Case For Terri Schiavo's Right To Live !

Written by J.R.

Continued from page 1

Furthermore, what is artificial life support? Terri breathes on her own, and maintains her own heartbeat. No machine is doing that for her. She is being fed and hydrated by a tube. It is true if you removerepparttar tube she will starve to death in about 14 days. It is also true that if you didn't eat or drink for 14 daysrepparttar 125989 same would probably happen to you. What is artificial about that? Food and water are essential to life, so all they are doing is feeding Terri to keep her alive through a different means than you and I receive sustenance. If Terri Schiavo would have received a pace maker to keep her heart beating and did not have brain damage, would they disconnectrepparttar 125990 pace maker because it is artificial life support? I don't think so. If we disconnectrepparttar 125991 feeding tube does Terri die ? No she lives until she starves to death, something that would happen to you or me if we were denied food and water.

There are those who are saying Govenor Bush andrepparttar 125992 Florida State Legislature are playing god here. I submit to you that I think it is Mr. Schiavo andrepparttar 125993 Florida courts who are playing god here.

I see no evidence that Terri ever stated that she would want her life ended under these circumstances. I see no evidence that Terri is in a continuing vegatative state. As a matter of fact is see evidence via video clips and pictures that contradict that theory.

In my opinion,repparttar 125994 Schindlers are not responsible for Terri's condition, and as caring, loving parents, their motives are clear, I am not so sure that Mr. Schiavo is not responsible for Terri's condition or what his motives are for ending her life.

Terri Schiavo's parents should be awarded guardianship of their own daughter, a daughter they conceived, bore, and raised. If Mr. Schiavo wants to go on with his life with his live in girlfriend, their child andrepparttar 125995 one soon to come, so be it. If it is public criticism that he fears I suggest to you that it already exists, and will be far worse if Terri's feeding tube is diconnected and she is allowed to starve to death.

A death that we wouldn't wish on a dog never mind another human being.

J.R. is the host of Talk Show America, a conservative talk show that can be heard Mon-Fri 4-6 PM EST Live on the IBC Radio Network or 24/7 on The TALK SHOW AMERICA Show or go to Political News &

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