The Building Blocks to Effective Marketing

Written by Julie Chance

Continued from page 1

•Developing awareness: It is difficult for a potential client to buy your product or service if they don’t even know or remember it exists. Generally a potential customer will have to be exposed to your product 5 to 15 times before they are likely to think of your product whenrepparttar need arises. Needs often arise unexpectedly. You must stay in front of your clients consistently if they are going to remember your product when that need arises.

•Building credibility: Not only must clients be aware of your product or service, they also must have a positive disposition toward it. Potential customers must trust that you will deliver what you say you will. Often, especially with large or risky purchases, you need to give themrepparttar 120954 opportunity to “sample”, “touch”, or “taste”repparttar 120955 product in some way. For example, a trainer might gain credibility and allow potential customers to “sample” their product by offering free, hour long presentations on topics related to their area of specialty.

•Being Consistent: Be consistent in every way and in everything you do. This includesrepparttar 120956 look of your collateral materials,repparttar 120957 message you deliver,repparttar 120958 level of customer service, andrepparttar 120959 quality ofrepparttar 120960 product. Being consistent is more important than havingrepparttar 120961 “best” product. This in part isrepparttar 120962 reason forrepparttar 120963 success of chains. Whether you’re going to Little Rock, Arkansas or New York City, if you reserve a room at a Courtyard Marriott you know exactly what you’re going to get.

•Maintaining Focus: Focus allows for more effective utilization ofrepparttar 120964 scarce resources of time and money. Your promotional budget will bring you greater return if you use it to promote a single product to a narrowly defined target market and if you promote that same product to that same target market over a continuous period of time.

Before you ever consider developing a brochure, running an ad, implementing a direct mail campaign, joining an organization for networking or even conducting a sales call, begin by mapping a path to success throughrepparttar 120965 development of a consistent, focused marketing strategy.

Julie Chance is president of Strategies-by-DESIGN a Dallas based firm that helps small and medium sized businesses Map A Path to Success by providing consulting, training and skills based coaching in the area of marketing strategy development. For more information go to or call 972-701-9311.

Stop Slacking and TAKE ACTION!!: tid-bit-tips for online success

Written by Anthony L. Davenport

Continued from page 1

Now when a visitor comes to your website, looks around..then leaves, you will never see them again, so you need a way to get their email addresses for follow-ups.... and if you do have a sign up section for your eZine.... it's most likely that you're losing potential subscribers...who are then potential customers.

You have to make it easy for a visitor to subscribe... or they wont do it...face it people are lazy.. so by adding a pop-up/pop-under/exit pop up, anything.. you will definitely increase your subscriber response at least 300% overnight because you have made it that much easier to subscribe, no kidding!

3)----Viral Marketing----

This works extremely well if done correctly... though it may take a little time to get going.. when it does repparttar response is usually "WOW".

The way to do this is create an information product or buy one you can 'brand' with your sales eReport or small eBook (usually pertaining to your products.. or a problem your products can solve).. and give it away for free..tellingrepparttar 120953 person you gave it to... give it away as well. (telling them they can give it away as a bonus or incentive to build their own list)

when you createrepparttar 120954 product you make it so it has links all inside of it to your web-site/products you promote...... sorepparttar 120955 more people give it awayrepparttar 120956 more your message is exposed torepparttar 120957 marketplace..

Another way to go Viral is by writing quality articles, Posting them on newsgroup forums and tellingrepparttar 120958 members they can re-publish it freely in their own eZines as long as they keep your "sig file" attached and whole.

this is a VERY powerful Fr~e Advertising method.

4)---Pay Per Click Search engines-----

This is a Must for targeted traffic...

But you must be careful because if you don’t know how much you can afford per visitor you can easily spend all your money ...Very quickly... Here is something you can learn in any business class:

First you have to figure out how much each visitor is worth to you. how you do this is check your: 1-Total sales over a period of time.. lets say over 1 month you sold 20 products

2-Gross Income for that one month.. 20 products at $50 = $1000 (I wish you more sales than this, but forrepparttar 120959 sake of examples I want to keeprepparttar 120960 numbers round)

3)-Net Income: calculate what you have left over after your ebiz expenses. $1000-100=900 for hosting/ads etc.

4)Check your server logs forrepparttar 120961 number of UNIQUE VISITORS over that month.(note: your sever log is a file kept by your hosting server that records how many times some one views a certain page on your site, if you don’t already have access to it can contact your hosting company and get it)

Secondly, Find how much each visitor is worth to you based onrepparttar 120962 above information...

1) Figure your conversion rate: Unique Visitor/ Total number of sales=Conversion rate lets say you got 3000 visitors that month.. so 3000/20=150 all this means is every 150 visitors you usually make a sale.

2)Check your Net profits per sale:

Gross Profits - eBiz Expenses/Total number of sales= Net profit per sale

so: $1000 - $100/ 20 sales= $45 per sale.

3)calculate how muchrepparttar 120963 visitor is worth.

Net $$ per sale/Conversion Rate= Visitor's worth

so: $45/ 30cents per visitor..

if you bid higher than this per visitor you will be losing money.. so try to keep it alot lower than that...

The way to do to stay away fromrepparttar 120964 highly competitive keywords in search engines.. go forrepparttar 120965 more obscure neglected words..

check out: <--check this to put word popularity against one another.<----check this out to check how many times a word was searched in a given time frame.

To find key words that aren't being used in search engines that much. and use them..

now doing this rather than bidding forrepparttar 120966 high competitive words will be less expensive..and will bring you close torepparttar 120967 same amount of traffic...

But if you do decide to go to war forrepparttar 120968 top key words... be careful and very money conscious...because if your not you can bid your self out of business..

Well I hope you can use one or all of these methods to jumps start your eBusiness.. Remember No matter what you do, DO SOMETHING. Because learning from your mistakes is so much better than sitting onrepparttar 120969 side lines reading about everyone else succeeding on-line.

Before I let you go forrepparttar 120970 day I would just like to add: Inrepparttar 120971 book 'Think and Grow Rich' Napoleon Hill wrote: "failures are nothing but temporary defeat, you only really fail when you give up." This means don’t be afraid to fail, afraid ofrepparttar 120972 TEMPORARY set back, if you fail, you learn, grow and you get better... ..that's how you become successful, not just on-line but in all of life.

So remember: Stop Slacking and TAKE ACTION!! Today.

To your success, Anthony L. Davenport

ps. here is my "sig file" (an example) ================================= Powerful, In-Demand Resell eBooks and software for YOU to make 100% Pure Profit from each sale!! Plus Cutting Edge Software to keep YOU ahead of allrepparttar 120973 ailments of eMarketing today. Get PAID monthly Residual income to buikd YOUR responsive op!t-in email list!! FR!EE: 12 Volume eMarketing Success Library--and MORE! >>>>>>>> <<<<<<<<<<<< ================================= ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ You may Re-publish this article in your own publication, just make sure my "sig file" and all information with-in remains inrepparttar 120974 article ^_^

I've been online for 2 years trying different ways to make money. I am a regular Netrepreneur like you, and I know I don't know it all, but I do know a few tricks. ATTN: Resell eBook biz owners..check out our website, we have a marketing test that may interest you.

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