The Bottomless Notebook

Written by Shery Ma Belle Arrieta-Russ

Continued from page 1

Ordinary People with their One-Liners. Overheard lines in a conversation can sometimes spark your creative mind. Write down these one-liners in your notebook. They can be great story starters.

Something You Read. Read good books. Keep a file of memorable lines or quotes. Write down quirky billboard ads. Scanrepparttar papers for one-liners. These are good idea stimulators.

Emotions. Describe what you feel at any given moment. If you feel angry right now, write what your anger feels like. Descriibe it. Use vivid words.

Writers are similar to store owners. Store owners stock their supplies in their shelves, while you stock ideas betweenrepparttar 128931 pages of your little writer's notebook.

You can make your stock endless, bottomless. You can reach down again and again for inspiration without exhausting your notebook of reserve.

So start stocking your writer's notebook today. A week from now, take a peek in it and you just might find something there that could connect your pen to paper.

Copyright (c) 2003-2004 Shery Ma Belle Arrieta-Russ

Shery is the author of the book, WEEKLY WRITES: 52 Weeks of Writing Bliss! Grab a copy from and get free unlimited access to the Exclusive Members Area that features over $250 worth of goodies!

3 Quick and Easy Ways to Generate Story Ideas

Written by Shery Ma Belle Arrieta-Russ

Continued from page 1

3. It's OK to Call People Names

Generate nicknames or terms that capturerepparttar lifestyles, attitudes or characteristics of certain groups of people.

For example,repparttar 128929 nicknames I came up forrepparttar 128930 kind of people I encountered onrepparttar 128931 bus when I used to commute to work and back were: space-hog, slumper, fidgeter and refined. The terms described howrepparttar 128932 people onrepparttar 128933 bus behaved as they sat. [They were useful because I was able to avoidrepparttar 128934 space-hogs andrepparttar 128935 fidgeters when choosing a seat. Sitting beside a slumper was all right, since most slumpers kept their slumps within their space ;o)]

For you to do: Generate nicknames or terms forrepparttar 128936 following groups of people:

- cashiers - waiters - teachers - employees - actors

Begin using these 3 simple ways of generating ideas today. Before long, you'll be churning out one idea after another with ease. That's creativity at work!

Copyright (c) 2004 Shery Ma Belle Arrieta-Russ

Shery is the creator of WriteSparks! - a software that generates over 10 *million* Story Sparkers for Writers. Download WriteSparks! Lite for fr*e -

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