The Boside Artists' Newsletter

Written by The Bogside Artists

Continued from page 1

Prior to joining forces with his brother William, and his pal Kevin, Tom worked for ten years in cross-community art projects inrepparttar city as a means for gettingrepparttar 129309 two communities to understand one another. He was a pioneer inrepparttar 129310 field. Tom says: "Our society has done incalculable harm to our natural pride and sense of self-worth. Christianity addresses this." Tom has completed many murals inrepparttar 129311 city that depicted life, as it existed a long time ago. He called these `heritage murals'. They were made for schools, hospitals and community centers.

Tom is a fine singer and musician and has produced Wellspring's one and only CD, a compilation of well-known Irish gigs and a few original numbers from Wellspring's composers.

WILLIAM Tom's older brother William Kelly also worked in England. First he went to Queens University after a formal education at St.Columbs College. St.Columbs incidentally boasts no less than TWO Nobel Prize winners - Seamus Heaney and John Hume. Renowned playwright Brian Friel was also educated there.

William decided to leave uni and went to Carlisle, England, to work as a Post Office counter clerk, which lasted a year. His intention was to `grow up'. "Happily, I failed," he says.

Teaming up with his brother Tom and Kevin to form The Bogside Artists was a natural progression. William likes to read and paint and has little time left for anything else. He is married and spends his time between Australia and Ireland. _________________________________________________________ _


Sad days for some in Derry. The old stalwarts who were in regular receipt of funding fromrepparttar 129312 Derry City council have been axed this year. The purse strings are tightening. We, of course, have never received a penny and it seems that this time around, our "chances are very slim" according to one official. We are shocked, of course. __________________________________________________________


Recently we have organized our group along more professional lines with a management committee and everything. That means, when we apply for funding, we might conceivably be taken seriously. Inrepparttar 129313 meantime, we concern ourselves with our next murals. The first of these will begin atrepparttar 129314 end of May. There will be three more in toto, and you can follow our progress with all three. You can be sure that this section of our newsletter will gradually take pre-eminence over all others. _________________________________________________________

So now you know all about us! Our intention is to completerepparttar 129315 remaining three murals forrepparttar 129316 Bogside. It will be an open-air gallery, unique of its kind. Our Newsletters, of which this isrepparttar 129317 first, will keep you informed of our progress; and inrepparttar 129318 "Diary" section especially, you will read aboutrepparttar 129319 bizarre and wonderful events that unfold, as we go about making our murals......because what actually happens to The Bogside Artists, on a day to day basis, is a helluva lot funnier than anything we could make up. Also, we will be able to post photos taken in situ on our Newsletter so that you can get a real intimation of what it is like to work as a muralist in Derry! On that promising note, I bid you adieu and wish you, on behalf of Tom, Kevin and myself, a very happy day. _________________________________________________________

5. USEFUL WEBSITES, Spartan in contact info., Derry's soccer site, all you ever

wanted to know about Derry's football squad but were afraid to ask. Up torepparttar 129320 minute., useful links to all things Northern Irish., has that little village life content. BIG things happen in Donegal, mostly to fish., for those seeking their biological origins all over Ireland. Derry's genealogy center is based inrepparttar 129321 Heritage Building where The Bogside Artists have exhibited., simple and torepparttar 129322 point givingrepparttar 129323 visitor what he needs to know and well presented with good flicks. Flights to Dublin, London, Glasgow, Manchester, Majorca etc., good plug forrepparttar 129324 town. I should say "city"; but Derry will never be a "city" as such, we hope! To Derry "wans", it'll always be a town. _________________________________________________________

The Bogside Artists are three men who are famous for their murals situated in their hometown of Derry in Northern Ireland. You can see a gallery of their work and learn about their book at,

Compelling Words that Sell With the Magic of Pixie Dust

Written by Linda Elizabeth Alexander

Continued from page 1

Start by looking through some of your more successful communication pieces: Did a particular memo cause controversy in your office? Did a sales letter you never expected to work instead have phenomenal response? Analyze these items for timing, offer, context, audience, and what happened before or afterrepparttar message was sent.

There are a lot of factors that play intorepparttar 129307 success of a particular communication. Only after you have figured out a number ofrepparttar 129308 above variables, should you look atrepparttar 129309 individual words you used.

If you can narrow it down at all to a particular headline that worked, make a note. Keeprepparttar 129310 headline in a "swipe file" forrepparttar 129311 next time you are looking for a successful headline. Did you use a phrase that angered customers, perked up your lawyers' ears, or released a flood of gossip aroundrepparttar 129312 water cooler? Write that one down too, in your file of phrases NOT to use again. Unless, of course, angering people is your aim.

Over time your list will build and you too will be able to write an article about magic words that are proven to bring you tons of sales overnight.

Linda Elizabeth Alexander writes marketing copy for nonprofits and traditional businesses. Sign up for her free business writing newsletter, Write torepparttar 129313 Point, at .

Linda Elizabeth Alexander writes marketing copy for nonprofits and traditional businesses. Sign up for her free business writing newsletter, Write to the Point, at .

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