"The Biggest Boost for Overall Health and Wellbeing ... Ever!"

Written by Warren Matthews

Continued from page 1

Why are there more sick people today?

If these 'authorities' assertions were correct then how come there are more sick people inrepparttar 'civilized' world today than there was a 100 years ago? Oh, you may answer, this is because people live longer! True... and false... because they don't live much longer even thoughrepparttar 114983 statistics say so. But, these statistics are a gross distortion.

They are distorted because they are based on averages andrepparttar 114984 average life expectancy many decades ago was artificially low due to high infant mortality rates that don't apply any more. I devoted an issue on this subject back onrepparttar 114985 2nd April of last year. Have a look at it and you will see what I mean. Just reflect on this for a moment! Ask your parents or your grandparents what age their parents, grandparents and great grandparents died? You may be surprised that they lived longer than what you may have thought, and they did so withoutrepparttar 114986 help of pharmaceutical drugs, without hospitals and suffered less from 'elderly' diseases such as Alzheimer's that are so common today.

This is because they were not subject torepparttar 114987 environmental hazards that we are all faced with today and further, their food was wholesome and didn't come out of a packet full of empty calories. Because of modern living we have no choice, whether we like it or not but to supplement if we seriously wish to avoidrepparttar 114988 diseases that are rampant in our community and are projected to get a lot worse. Therefore, if you are likerepparttar 114989 majority of people and consider supplementation as a desirable but low priority I sincerely believe that you should reconsider your priorities. The reason why most people do not supplement is either they don't believe in it (in which case they are deluding themselves) or, they have more 'important' things on which to spend their money. But... are they saving money when they apply money which they could allocate to their supplementation program to perhaps a bigger house mortgage or a new car?

Ironically no, because if you ignore your biggest asset... YOU... and your subsequent earning ability is affected through ill health then what you would have spent in quality supplementation pales in significance. Quality supplementation isrepparttar 114990 cheapest self insurance program you can implement. Hopefully, I have made my point onrepparttar 114991 principles behind supplementation. I urge you to consider a professional health supplement that uses onlyrepparttar 114992 best ingredients ... and inrepparttar 114993 correct ratios and quantities.

Mr. Matthews is the Chairman of Xtend Life Natural Products, manufacturer of Total Balance, an anti aging supplement containing 85 ingredients and desigend to be the foundation of your supplement regimen. Total Balance is manufactured using the guidelines outlined in this article and features a unique enteric coating. This coating allows your body to absorb virtually 100% of it's 85 ingredients.

Total Balance can be found at... http://www.InstantEnergyBoost.com

Lower Your Cholesterol

Written by Dan Ho

Continued from page 1

Diet does not impact on your cholesterol levels as much as you think it does. It is not that extra egg you have for breakfast that raises your cholesterol appreciably.

This is because around 80% of your blood cholesterol is manufactured by your liver.

To improve your cholesterol levels, you must both slow downrepparttar manufacture of cholesterol, and reducerepparttar 114982 oxidation of LDL while raising your HDL.

Apart from normal, sensible lifestyle improvements such as better nutrition and more exercise, there are a couple of proven strategies to return your cholesterol to its optimal level.

Option 1: Prescription Drugs

A range of drugs known as "statins" are widely used inrepparttar 114983 US and other Western countries. In fact, they are currentlyrepparttar 114984 most prescribed medicine inrepparttar 114985 world.

These drugs work by blocking an enzyme thatrepparttar 114986 liver needs forrepparttar 114987 manufacture of cholesterol. They have been proven effective in reducing levels of LDL, but unfortunately they will not raise levels of HDL (the good cholesterol). The downside is that there are a large number of negative side effects such as liver damage, fatigue, upset stomach, abdominal pains and cramps, gas and constipation, and inrepparttar 114988 case of one statin drug -- "Baycol" -- large numbers of deaths.

An investigation intorepparttar 114989 side effect of statin drugs is being conducted byrepparttar 114990 National Institute of Health. Discussrepparttar 114991 pros and cons of this medication very carefully with your physician inrepparttar 114992 event of a statin drug being prescribed for you.

There is another treatment that has nothing but beneficial side effects...

Option 2: Natural Treatments

Even thoughrepparttar 114993 general public hears very little about them, there are effective natural alternatives to lowering one's cholesterol, and such therapies exhibit no side effects.

One such brand is Xtend-Life Natural Cholesterol Formula , available at http://www.InstantEnergyBoost.com The fascinating aspect of some of these natural options is that some ofrepparttar 114994 natural ingredients being used have been proven to consistently and significantly outperformrepparttar 114995 statin drugs in dozens of double-blind placebo-controlled clinical trials and studies. And with no negative side effects. (The only side effects reported were weight loss.)

What to look for

Two key ingredients to look for in any natural cholesterol product are Policosanol and Guggulipid Extract. Policosanol is an extract from sugar cane wax and has beenrepparttar 114996 subject of multiple clinical trials, all of which have outperformedrepparttar 114997 statins.

Guggulipid, onrepparttar 114998 other hand, is an ancient herb from India extracted fromrepparttar 114999 guggul tree. "The gum resin ofrepparttar 115000 guggul tree has been used in Indian Ayurvedic medicine since approximately 600 BC to treat a wide variety of ailments, including obesity and [cholesterol] disorders," writes author David D. Moore, Ph.D., and professor of molecular and cell biology at Baylor College of Medicine in Houston.

Moore goes on to state, "It really does lower cholesterol in a number of clinical studies..." What Moore didn't mention was that studies show an interesting added benefit from Guggulipid: it has been more effective than prescription tetracycline when used orally for treating nodulocystic acne.

It also assists inrepparttar 115001 lowering of Triglycerides and weight loss.

Know what you're buying

With all of these benefits, it would seem that finding any natural formula containing these two ingredients is a sure bet. But take caution; there are many products currently onrepparttar 115002 market claiming to use policosanol to lower cholesterol, but are in fact using octacosanol, which is an incomplete form of policosanol. Octacosanol does not exhibitrepparttar 115003 same results as true policosanol in clinical trials.

The Xtend-Life Natural Cholesterol Formula uses onlyrepparttar 115004 genuine policosanol extracted from sugar cane wax. When it comes to your heart's health and longevity, don't settle for sub-par supplements.

he Xtend-Life Natural Cholesterol Formula uses only the genuine policosanol extracted from sugar cane wax. When it comes to your heart's health and longevity, don't settle for sub-par supplements.

Xtend Life Natural Cholesterol Formula is available at ... http://www.InstantEnergyBoost.com

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