The Bigger the Carat the Better the Wedding?

Written by Donna Monday

Continued from page 1

As for Star Jones, it’s not known whether her stunning seven-carat princess cut diamond ring was bought or donated, but she too happily skipped off to a wedding ceremony with allrepparttar trimmings.

So, does all this extra diamond wattage mean that celebrities have a better wedding ceremony than everyone else?

Absolutely, not.

There’s absolutely no proof that their multi-carat diamond rings and fancy wedding accommodations gave them any more satisfaction atrepparttar 150862 alter than Joe and Jane Doe’s down right sparse nuptials in a run-down back yard.

Buyingrepparttar 150863 biggest and fanciest diamond engagement ring onrepparttar 150864 planet doesn’t guarantee anything but a nice piece of ice jewelry to show off to your family and friends. Other than that, celebrities haverepparttar 150865 same odds for a successful, happy union asrepparttar 150866 rest of us.

And that’srepparttar 150867 way it should be.

Copyright 2004 Donna Monday One special moment. One special ring.

Design Your Own Beautiful Wedding Ring

Written by Donna Monday

Continued from page 1

Next, you’ll want to selectrepparttar right diamond to fit your setting. The common diamond cut shapes are: round, pear, emerald, princess, marquise, oval, radiant, heart, and Asscher. You will probably take a while just studying allrepparttar 150861 attributes ofrepparttar 150862 various diamond shapes and sizes. Of course, you can always choose to purchaserepparttar 150863 setting online and then take it to your local jeweler to have it fit with a diamond.

You arerepparttar 150864 designer extraordinaire! You are not bound by what someone else thinks you will like. So, go ahead and feel free to create your own wedding ring. There’s nobody else to please but you.

And you will just loverepparttar 150865 results.

Copyright 2004 Donna Monday One special moment. One special ring.

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