The Benefits of Employing Your Children

Written by Collin Almeida

Continued from page 1

The IRS also allows all medical benefits provided by a business to its employees to be claimed as tax deductions, so if your child is your employee and you have to pay for his or her braces that hefty expenses can be completely tax deductible. Even if your child is covered by your spouse's insurance plan, you can claim all co-payments or non- covered medical charges. There are no minimum or maximum levels either: every dollar you pay out can be counted as a tax deduction. However, your policy for covering these expenses must be in writing and copies of all receipts and bills should be maintained for your business records.

Besidesrepparttar obvious benefits of being able to write-off these costs, hiring your child as an employee can have other positive effects. You will save time because ofrepparttar 117351 additional help your new staff will provide. While they handlerepparttar 117352 menial duties, you can concentrate on running a successful business and earning more money. And with your children onrepparttar 117353 staff and onrepparttar 117354 payroll, they - and your spouse - will be more likely to support your venture. There's also no better way to teach your childrenrepparttar 117355 value of money than by having them work for it and get Uncle Sam to pay for it.


Discover little known but highly lucrative tax advantages you can legally claim as a home based business owner by visiting Getrepparttar 117356 FREE REPORT: "5 Hidden Tax Dangers..." that shows you how to save $1000's in taxes and avoid costly audits.

Discover little known but highly lucrative tax advantages you can legally claim as a home based business owner by visiting Get the FREE REPORT: "5 Hidden Tax Dangers..." that shows you how to save $1000's in taxes and avoid costly audits.

Profit From On-line Self-Surveys

Written by Stephen Bucaro

Continued from page 1

How to create surveys:

- Obviously you will have to studyrepparttar subject area a bit before you can develop survey questions. - Provide enough survey questions to produce relevant results, but not so many as to makerepparttar 117350 survey a chore, say around 20 questions. - Test your questions with friends and relatives to make sure they are worded correctly.

How to create a surveys Web site:

- Each survey is a Web form. Spice up your forms by adding a background image, colorful text, and a graphic submit button. - Providerepparttar 117351 ability forrepparttar 117352 user to emailrepparttar 117353 survey to a friend. This will result in more traffic to your Web site. - Onrepparttar 117354 Web page that presentsrepparttar 117355 results, provide a congratulatory, or encouragement message, along with a subscription form for your newsletter. - On your Web site, post articles related to your surveys for search engines to find.

The thing people are most interested in is themselves. You can receive substantial traffic to your web site by providing free on-line self-surveys. How can you can profit from a Web site that provides on-line self-surveys? a) promoting an MLM program b) promoting credit cards c) selling back-end products. If you answered c, prepare to start a successful Web business. ----------------------------------------------------------- Resource Box: Copyright(C)2002 Bucaro TecHelp. To learn how to maintain your computer and use it more effectively to design a Web site and make money onrepparttar 117356 Web visit To subscribe to Bucaro TecHelp Newsletter Send a blank email to -----------------------------------------------------------


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