The Benefits of Dead Sea Salt

Written by Mary M. Alward

Continued from page 1

People who suffer from psoriasis have dry, itchy skin that becomes inflamed. Dead Sea bath salts relieverepparttar symptoms of this skin disease for which there is no known cure. The salts causerepparttar 135649 top layer of skin to break-up smoothly. The epidermis, which isrepparttar 135650 second layer of skin, is receptive to magnesium and other minerals inrepparttar 135651 salt. The high level of bromine inrepparttar 135652 bath salts brings effective relief. The success of bath salt treatments depends largely on regular use.

Today, life is filled with stress. Daily tensions are taking their toll on mankind, both mentally and physically. Tension headaches, anxiety attacks and muscular aches and pains are ways that our body tells us it’s had too much of a bad thing. If you are feelingrepparttar 135653 effects of life’s hustle and bustle, take a daily, half-hour bath using Dead Sea bath salts. If you have trouble findingrepparttar 135654 bath salts, add 2 tablespoons of pure, Dead Sea salt to your bath water. Dead Sea salt can be purchased at most health food stores. Your daily bath will give yourepparttar 135655 benefit of complete body relaxation, due torepparttar 135656 bromine inrepparttar 135657 salt. This mineral is known world wide for its tranquilizing effect and is particularly beneficial in reducing anxiety, tension, stress and migraines.

After starting treatment of a daily bath in water containing Dead Sea Products or bath salts, you will feel like a new person. The nice part is thatrepparttar 135658 tranquil feeling can be felt after just one treatment.

Johann Erickson is the owner of Online Discount Mart and TV Products 4 Less. Please include an active link to our site if you'd like to reprint this article.


Written by Khloe Penelope Cruise

Continued from page 1

Aside from a healthy diet, it is also important for women who are undergoingrepparttar menopausal stage to have a regular exercise that can help them in preventing heart related diseases. Most menopausal women are at a risk for having heart disease since estrogen in menopausal women diminishes thus lowering their defense against bad cholesterol.

Herbal medicines were found to have great effects in lowering downrepparttar 135648 effect of menopausal symptoms to women. Studies have found thatrepparttar 135649 herb black cohosh (cimicifuga racemosa) is excellent in relieving perimenopausal symptoms that includes depression and hot flushes. Aside from herb black cohosh, there are still some other herbs that were found to have significant effect in reducing menopausal symptoms and these are as follows: red clover, chasteberry and dong quai. Again, before using or drinking herbal medicines it is a good idea to have a complete checkup first and to seek doctor’s advice.

Khloe Penelope Cruise is a lover of nature. She loves to spend her time hiking and exploring the beauty of nature. A very optimistic person who believes that everything is created good.

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