The Benefit of Royal Jelly

Written by K. Perry

Continued from page 1

Royal jelly contains varying amounts of proteins, mineral substances, lipids and glucides. Large amounts of vitamins (vits. B-1, B-2, B-6, C and E) and hormones are also present which add torepparttar benefit of royal jelly.

Also found are substances which showrepparttar 137980 benefit of royal jelly by assistingrepparttar 137981 regeneration of human body cells.

Royal jelly contains folic acid, niacin, biotin and insitol as well as a large amount of pantothenic acid. Studies on royal jelly have provided scientists with exciting information onrepparttar 137982 benefit of royal jelly.

It seems that royal jelly is excellent for treating hepatitis, pancreatitis and kidney disease. Royal jelly is also helpful in aiding sufferers of gout, arthritis and extreme exhaustion.

Acne sufferers report thatrepparttar 137983 benefit of royal jelly is a clearer complexion. Royal jelly has even been reported to returnrepparttar 137984 faded color to a head of gray hair, which is another benefit of royal jelly. An excellent immune system booster, royal jelly can help to fight off infections. Easily absorbed byrepparttar 137985 systemrepparttar 137986 benefit of royal jelly helps to achieve a balance and keeps common colds away.

Royal jelly has been found to relax insomniacs, and asthmatics find a benefit of royal jelly as well. Anxiety sufferers findrepparttar 137987 benefit of royal jelly to be a more relaxed state of mind.

Royal jelly can improve mental well-being after a mental breakdown. Much benefit of royal jelly for people with emotional problems has also been documented. Royal jelly can help withrepparttar 137988 side effects of drugs by counteraction, which is another benefit of royal jelly.

Royal Jelly related articles

Copyright 2005 Health-Focus Providing Resources on Health and Nutrition

The Dangers of Sodas and Diet Drinks

Written by Dianne Ronnow

Continued from page 1

Besides acids and caffeine, sodas contain phosphorus, an ingredient shown to weaken bones by promotingrepparttar loss of calcium. Phosphorus contributes to bone breakage during childhood, and osteoporosis later in life.

Another danger is aspartame added to diet sodas as a sugar substitute. There are over 92 different health related side effects associated with aspartame consumption, including brain tumors, birth defects, diabetes, emotional disorders and epilepsy/seizures. Plus, when aspartame is kept in warm areas or stored for long periods of time, it changes to methanol, an alcohol that converts to formaldehyde and formic acid, both of which are carcinogens.

There really are no good reasons to drink sodas. Juices, herbal teas and water are much better substitutes.

By Dianne Ronnow © 2005 Mohave Publishing. All rights reserved.

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