The Basics of Home Audio Speakers

Written by Ross MacIver

Continued from page 1

The size ofrepparttar enclosure affectsrepparttar 136504 overall sound of home audio speakers. Speaker drivers are designed to be housed in a particular volume of space, so that they can reproduce sound accurately. Generally speaking, bigger speaker enclosures will give better sounding bass notes, althoughrepparttar 136505 enclosure may be ported to provide large volume in a small enclosure.

When you are buying home audio speakers, try to compare several sets atrepparttar 136506 same time. Most professional audio stores will have an audio room where you can make A/B comparisons between various speaker systems. Bringing your own CD and listen to familiar music so you can hear more accuratelyrepparttar 136507 differences betweenrepparttar 136508 assorted speaker systems.

You can read all kinds of specifications and data sheets, but ultimately,repparttar 136509 choice is yours. Let your ears decide which home audio speakers soundrepparttar 136510 best. By comparing a few speakers inrepparttar 136511 same price range, you can make an informed decision about which ones are most suitable for you.

Ross is an audio enthousiast and editor of Audio, Peronal Audio MP3 and Streaming Howto's Selected

The Basics of CD Mastering

Written by Ross MacIver

Continued from page 1

The mastering engineer should preferably be a different person fromrepparttar producer who mixed downrepparttar 136503 music. This will allowrepparttar 136504 music to be heard from an independent perspective. The mastering engineer uses sophisticated processing equipment to provide an overall polish torepparttar 136505 sound ofrepparttar 136506 CD project. Audio CD mastering isrepparttar 136507 final stage before pressingrepparttar 136508 CD and releasing it commercially.

Audio CD mastering should be done in a mastering studio which is different fromrepparttar 136509 mixing studio. The mastering studio should be acoustically inert to prevent any coloration torepparttar 136510 sound. The equipment used for mastering must be of very high-quality so thatrepparttar 136511 engineer can hear allrepparttar 136512 details ofrepparttar 136513 sound.

Oncerepparttar 136514 CD has been mastered, it is sent to a pressing plant for mass producingrepparttar 136515 CD. Without going throughrepparttar 136516 audio CD mastering stage,repparttar 136517 CD would lackrepparttar 136518 professional sound that is required for commercial recordings.

Ross is an audio enthousiast and editor of Audio, Peronal Audio MP3 and Streaming Howto's Selected

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