"The BLACK HOLE Of Internet Marketing"

Written by Jo McNamara

Continued from page 1

4. And speaking of "nag voices," I take care of all those trivial things that I have been putting off doing. I find this is important because it seems to clear my head. Shutting uprepparttar "nag voices" is like taking out mental garbage.

Basically, I’m telling myself it’s okay to feelrepparttar 121353 way I’m feeling...apathetic, disinterested, turned-off, tuned-out.

After a while, I start feeling there’s a void in my life. I miss writing; my brain starts to hunger for knowledge again; I’m feeling aimless and bored.

Then I know it’s time to ease back into Internet marketing.

I start by opening up a few of my HotMail accounts. Not all of them because I don’t want to feel overwhelmed. I allow myself one hour a day to read ezines and study ads. After a while, I’ll allow myself one hour inrepparttar 121354 morning and one hour inrepparttar 121355 afternoon to read and study. Gradually, I open all my accounts back up.

Before I know it, I’m getting excited again. Words are flowing; ideas are bumping around in my head.

She’s B-A-C-K!!!

For me, I thinkrepparttar 121356 "Black Hole" periods are good. I return to Internet marketing refreshed and energized. I’m grateful once again forrepparttar 121357 return of passion. No longer stale, I can clearly see flaws previously overlooked and come up with fresh ideas.

Sometimes we are so deeply involved with our life withinrepparttar 121358 computer; we lose our sense of perspective. We think we are learning, but we’re just reading words. Our brain is overloaded and nothing is sticking. We just dorepparttar 121359 "same old, same old" and wonder why we’re not getting anywhere.

I thinkrepparttar 121360 "Black Hole" is our mind’s way of saying, "Hey, ease up! Ya know, there’s a whole nother world outside of that monitor. I’m going on strike until you give me a break!"

I have come to understand that for me, I live in two worlds; one is CyperSpace andrepparttar 121361 other isrepparttar 121362 physical world. I have friends and loved ones in both worlds; I make money in both worlds; I am passionate about both worlds.

I thinkrepparttar 121363 key is to try to findrepparttar 121364 right formula so thatrepparttar 121365 two worlds can co-exist in harmony.

Every time I come out of a "Black Hole," I get a bit closer to finding that formula.

So don’t panic when you fall inrepparttar 121366 "Black Hole." Just listen to that quiet, still voice inside. It will guide you through it. And when you come out torepparttar 121367 other side, I think you’ll be smarter forrepparttar 121368 experience. Certainly you’ll appreciaterepparttar 121369 return of renewed passion and excitement.

"This, indeed, is one ofrepparttar 121370 eternal paradoxes of both life and literature--that without passion little gets done; yet, without control of that passion, its effects are largely ill or null." F.L. Lucas

Jo McNamara lives in Orlando, FL with 8 cats and 1 husband. You may receive other articles written by Jo at: mailto:articles_jomc@sendfree.com "I wish I’d found the Internet Marketing Success Arsenal when I first started out...I would have saved myself countless, wasted hours and more money than I care to think about!" http://www.what-works-online.net

You're Unique - What About Your Site?

Written by Arleen M. Kaptur

Continued from page 1

What can you use on your site to be unparalleled? Truth and honesty goes a long way and so does sincerity. People can feel that someone is genuine and straightforward. This puts you heads above your competitors. Present your claims openly and try what Ralph Waldo Emerson called “Plain Dealing.” The opposite trait to this type of marketing is dishonesty and hypocrisy. Of course, there are shades of this unpleasant form of marketing and these are just as destructive. You certainly don’t ever want to venture down these trails, because your business demise is atrepparttar end of these roads and so is your personal integrity. Too much to put onrepparttar 121352 chopping block.

If you invest time and money into whatever you are marketing, then invest another commodity - yourself. Becomerepparttar 121353 legitimate, bona fide, earnest marketer of your product/service. Then proudly walk byrepparttar 121354 bogus, insincere storefronts and feelrepparttar 121355 warmness of offering something to make someone’s life better or easier. Its a great feeling and it definitely is something you can take torepparttar 121356 bank. ENJOY! ©Arleen M. Kaptur 2002 July

Arleen M. Kaptur has written numerous articles, books (fiction/non-fiction) http://www.Arleens-RusticLiving.com http://www.arleenssite.com http://www.webspawner.com/users/rusticliving

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