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No, no, no . . . this is not a “prophetic game” . . . you’re in this, we’re all in this . . . “multitudes, multitudes in Valley of Decision, for day of Lord is near in Valley of Decision” (Joel 3:14).
A final word . . . those who contend that “Apocalyptic/Armageddon oriented souls” are enemy of civilization and progressive thought (at worst) or ignorant day dreamers (at best), unfortunately view world through their own understanding secured through wisdom of man. May I be so bold to suggest that they who adhere to absolutes are neither as barbaric nor absurd as their critics make them out to be . . . who knows, knowledge of this nature just might be so dangerous to intellectual elite, that they could actually find hope in current insanity gripping earth through reading of what initially may be dismissed out of hand as trivial contemplations.
In any event . . . May rant and writ of this compendium of thoughts and insights bring us closer to One Who knows our frame, our deepest thoughts, our real intentions . . . and clarify those essentials of His Word to us who believe, while penetrating heart of those who do not believe, thereby leading them to salvation through Messiah, Lord Jesus Christ.
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Doug is a member of the "Last Days Network" . . . whose focus is on Religion and Politics, and, in particular how the Christian Religion impacts upon the "New American World Order."