The Anti-Spam Zealots who went to the FTC Spam Forum

Written by John Calder

Continued from page 1

Even if publishers who now require "double opt-in" subscriptions were to ask for and keep records of "quadruple opt-in" verifications from their subscribers, a lot of anti-spam zealots would still cry foul!

Why else wouldrepparttar terms *s*u*b*s*c*r*i*b*e* and *u*n*s*u*b- *s*c*r*i*b*e* be included in many spam filters withrepparttar 132722 implied suggestion that email that carries this terminology MUST be spam?

It does no good to be able to prove double opt-in torepparttar 132723 ISP's andrepparttar 132724 anti-spam zealots. Most presuppose that any commercial email is likely to be spam.

The ISP's are honestly concerned withrepparttar 132725 cost of bandwidth in association with email. Estimates have putrepparttar 132726 monthly cost of spam to be $3 per month per email account. Thus, if ISP's can reduce or eliminate spam, they can reduce their costs and improve their profits.

ISP's who oppose all commercial email --- you know,repparttar 132727 kind who laugh atrepparttar 132728 suggestion that spam filters hurt "legitimate email marketers" --- think one step further. They believe that if they can eliminate all commercial email, then they can significantly reduce their costs and significantly improve their profits!

At every level ofrepparttar 132729 Internet food-chain, people are concerned with their own profits. The anti-spam zealots, who hadrepparttar 132730 most pronounced representation atrepparttar 132731 FTC spam forum, will profit handsomely fromrepparttar 132732 loss of commercial email... Or will they?

Without commercial enterprise onrepparttar 132733 Internet, will people still be flocking torepparttar 132734 web inrepparttar 132735 numbers they are today?

Recognizingrepparttar 132736 fact thatrepparttar 132737 filtering industry is destroying email commerce, people like Anne P. Mitchell of Habeas, Inc. have come running torepparttar 132738 assistance of online commercial businesses. For a price, Habeas will "whitelist" your publication or email --- or should I say for a hefty price, Habeas will "whitelist" your email!

TERM: Whitelist - This is a kind of filter that suggests that any email that meetsrepparttar 132739 whitelist definitions will be pre-verified (underrepparttar 132740 terms ofrepparttar 132741 whitelist company) as legitimate commercial email.

Habeas purports to offer a "value-added service" that will help your outgoing email reach its destination unobstructed. Habeas also purports its fees to be very reasonable --- up to $500 per mailing list per year. Is $500 really a "reasonable" price? I don't think so.

As consumers, we always think ofrepparttar 132742 "spam war" as something that addressesrepparttar 132743 unsolicited email fromrepparttar 132744 p*o*r*n industry, repparttar 132745 nutritional products industry, and other fly-by-night scammers.

Yet, whenrepparttar 132746 people who are speaking on our behalf inrepparttar 132747 halls of government think ofrepparttar 132748 "spam war", they are thinking of something else entirely. In fact, they are attempting to removerepparttar 132749 cash fromrepparttar 132750 pockets of not onlyrepparttar 132751 spammers, but alsorepparttar 132752 small business people who employ legitimate email marketing techniques.

Why do so many anti-spam zealots target all commercial email? Simple, they want to putrepparttar 132753 cash where THEY think it belongs --- into their own pockets!

John Calder is the owner/editor of The Ezine Dot Net. Subscribe Today and get real information YOU can use to help build your online business today! http://www.TheEzine.Net

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(You may reprint this article in full in your newsletter and/or web site)

The 4 Ws of Junk E-mail

Written by Niall Roche

Continued from page 1

CD lists are one ofrepparttar worst sources. 90 million e-mail addresses available on a single CD for as little as $20. A lot ofrepparttar 132720 addresses on these CDs would be junk (many would no longer exist) but an equally large number of these addresses would be valid. A CD like this is a junk mailers dream.

Where they do it from Those involved in sending out bulk e-mail are “entrepreneurs” or at least they think so. The vast majority of those involved inrepparttar 132721 spam business are self-employed and work from home. Sending spam is almostrepparttar 132722 ideal home based business. You name your hours andrepparttar 132723 business itself is almost automatic. Maximum gain from minimum effort.

Why they do it inrepparttar 132724 first place Their motivation is money. Considerable amounts of cash actually. Each spammer who sends out 1,000,000 junk e-mails is certain of approximately 100 sales. Many ofrepparttar 132725 products they sell are worth $50 - $100 dollars to them in commission. Yes. Shocking isn’t it? The average bulk mailer earns in excess of $100,000 per year! Maximum return for minimum effort. Unless of course you get caught and get jail time.

Niall Roche is the content administrator for For more information on ways to fight spam check out

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