The American Spirit

Written by John Boe

Continued from page 1

The Great Seal ofrepparttar United States of America was designed to reflectrepparttar 124036 Founding Father’s beliefs and values and alsorepparttar 124037 sovereignty ofrepparttar 124038 new Nation. The coat of arms onrepparttar 124039 front ofrepparttar 124040 great seal isrepparttar 124041 symbol ofrepparttar 124042 United States of America and is depicted onrepparttar 124043 dollar bill. Each element ofrepparttar 124044 seal’s design has a specific meaning. The color white signifies purity and innocence. Red represents hardiness and valor. Blue signifies vigilance, perseverance, and justice. Inrepparttar 124045 eagle's beak is a scroll inscribed withrepparttar 124046 Latin motto, E Pluribus Unum, “out of many, one.” Inrepparttar 124047 eagle’s right talon is an olive branch, and in his left a bundle of thirteen arrows. The eagle is facing towardrepparttar 124048 olive branch symbolically reflecting our Nation’s desire for peace. The thirteen arrows representrepparttar 124049 thirteen original colonies and reflect our power and resolve as a people to fight for our values and personal freedom. In response torepparttar 124050 terrorists attack on this country,repparttar 124051 eagle is now turned facingrepparttar 124052 arrows. The American Spirit will overcome this provocative threat to freedom and democracy. President Abraham Lincoln was certainly no stranger to hardship. Amidstrepparttar 124053 death and destruction ofrepparttar 124054 civil war President Lincoln noted, “The only good thing about adversity is that it comes one day at a time.”

John Boe, based in Monterey, CA, helps companies recruit, train and motivate top-quality people. To view his online Video Demo or to have John Boe speak at your next event, visit or call (831) 375-3668.

How Will You Be Remembered?

Written by John Boe

Continued from page 1
Alfred Noble. The prize that bears his name is an international award given annually since 1901. Previous recipients ofrepparttar Nobel Peace Prize include; Mother Teresa, Martin Luther King, Jr., Albert Schweitzer, Henry Kissinger, and Theodore Roosevelt. Alfred did a remarkable job reestablishing his legacy. One century later we no longer associaterepparttar 124035 name Noble with destruction, but rather, with peace. What if Alfred Noble had never read his obituary? I believe it is never too late to improve your legacy. In India many years ago, a newspaper reporter interviewed Mahatma Gandhi. He asked Gandhi to give his readers a message that would inspire them. Gandhi smiled atrepparttar 124036 young reporter and replied, “My life is my message!” Consider what message you are giving your coworkers, customers, friends and family. Unlike Nobel, you may not be givenrepparttar 124037 unique opportunity to read your own obituary, however, you are in a good position to influence what it will say. How do you choose to be remembered?

John Boe, based in Monterey, CA, helps companies recruit, train and motivate top-quality people. To view his online Video Demo or to have John Boe speak at your next event, visit or call (831) 375-3668.

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