The American EconomyWritten by SuperSonic Squirrel
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The American economy: based in Wall Street, susceptible to rumors that can destroy nation, and cause untold grief to rest of world. The question could be asked: How long will rest of world go along with this type of thinking? Will other countries fall in line, behind America as they have for decades, counting on strong American economy to give them influence, guidance, and backing even as they see U.S. economy taking a tailspin? There are other power groups in world that remember Great Depression and possible games that caused it to occur. These same people remember "winners" and "losers," and how effects of economic stress effected their governments. As American financial picture weakens, these other power groups (and governments) are looking for better economic foundations to attach their economies to. As American economy worsens, Congress continues to spend money nation does not have. As American economy worsens, Congress goes out of its way to allow off-shore investments, tax-free incomes, and corporate protection for those who have a key to back offices through soft-money. In end, it's about same old game that was being played in 1929, but this time, end-results can be much different. In early part of 1929 America had a stronger industrial base than it does today. Today, that is all gone. Combine that with country's deficit of trade, American economy could appear to be like a whirlpool of water, quickly going down a drain. Soon, sink will be empty, and there will be no reserves to build from as most investment monies have been used in Pacific Rim, in Europe, and in Asia. The stakes are very high. The nation is on selling block as more money flows out of country. Europe has an economic plan. China and India are future big-time world players, to be sure, but America can only spend more money it doesn't have, nor will have, in tomorrows to come as it keeps reminding itself how great a nation it is as its people go jobless, hungry, and without purpose. American barely survived last economic depression. Only a world at war brought it fully out of depths of destruction. When economy is strong, everything is great, but when economy is broke, nothing works right. Flip switch on wall and lights do not turn on. Turn lever and water does not run. America may be only a few years away from when lights and water stop. Until Next Time...Supersonic Squirrel away! Read more from SuperSonic Squirrel at
The brother of the Editor at, SuperSonic Squirrel is a concerned citizen who wants to share his concerns and issues.
| | My ViewWritten by Joyce C. Lock
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My View? Then there are those who either don't have funds or don't want to financially support good deeds. So, they click on links, again and again, utilizing company support ~ when it is really stock holder who pays for it. Stealing to ease our conscience? My View? "If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land," II Chr. 7:14. Once we begin to place our faith anywhere other than where it belongs, we have become problem. That is My View. © 2004 by Joyce C. Lock This writing may be used in its entirety, with credits in tact, for non-profit ministering purposes.
Joyce C. Lock is a published author, poet, and columnist. In addition, she founded and maintains the e-mail ministries "Heavenly Inspirations" and "Share a Smile" Joyce's writings encourage us in our relationship with God and each other.