The Adventure Attitude

Written by Cheryl Perlitz

Continued from page 1

ALWAYS BEING OPEN TO LEARNING NEW THINGS. The more we learn,repparttar more we seek to learn. The world opens up when we are learning. Curiosity that leads to new learning awakensrepparttar 122952 passion in your life.

ACCEPTING THE MOUNTAIN AND THE CHALLENGE as an opportunity for positive change. Stretching yourself out ofrepparttar 122953 comfort zone mentally and physically makesrepparttar 122954 comfort zone that much larger and allows you to stretch even more. The world outsiderepparttar 122955 comfort zone is a world of immense possibilities that opens little by little as you challenge your personal boundaries.

THINKING LIKE A CHILD. The adventure attitude is about looking at life much like a child looks at it. As a child reaches for something he wants, he is excited and positive; rarely discouraged by defeat. He is flexible enough to change focus and sees possibilities in every direction. His options are open. He isn’t afraid to make mistakes or concerned about pleasing someone else. The fire in his eyes and energy in his step tell it all. Life is a fun game, and anything in his path can become part of it.

HAVING FAITH that you will getrepparttar 122956 support that you need when you need it. AND YOU WILL…. From friends, family, and God. All you have to do is trust, let go of control, and ask for help when you need it.


Copyright @ Soaring 2004 by Cheryl Perlitz All rights reserved

In the business world, Cheryl Perlitz is best known as the author of the popular book, "Soaring Through Setbacks - Rise above adversity - Reclaim your life" and her upcoming book “Survival Tips Handbook.”

Cheryl’s message to you; "TRANSFORM YOUR MOUNTAINS INTO OPPORTUNITIES FOR ADVENTURE AND POSITIVE CHANGE." You may contact Ms. Perlitz through her website at

The River of Life

Written by Cheryl Perlitz

Continued from page 1

WHIRLPOOLS form whenrepparttar rushing water hits an obstruction. The water turns around and around, in a swirling motion…. Spinning and out of control. In our lives,repparttar 122951 whirlpools churn us around, suck us in and spit us out. The secret to survivingrepparttar 122952 whirlpools is to relax, let go, and realize we are not in control of many things. Even though we think we will sink atrepparttar 122953 time and never be able to come up for air, we will eventually pop up, just as a leaf that is sucked intorepparttar 122954 whirlpool will pop up.

Reachingrepparttar 122955 calm POOLS isrepparttar 122956 reward. For us,repparttar 122957 pools bring those moments of calm and reflection. This isrepparttar 122958 place for learning and recuperation…. taking a deep breath…. And then moving on.

Atrepparttar 122959 EDDIES,repparttar 122960 water actually turns around and flows upstream alongrepparttar 122961 bank, and then turns around to joinrepparttar 122962 downstream flow. For us,repparttar 122963 eddy isrepparttar 122964 place for reflection; Looking at what is past, learning from it, and moving on.

Inrepparttar 122965 end,repparttar 122966 river, which is now bulging with life, energy, and fullness, joinsrepparttar 122967 sea, contributing all it has gathered alongrepparttar 122968 way. Just like us: we flow, adjust, grow, and bring what we have to something bigger.

Copyright @ Soaring 2004 by Cheryl Perlitz All rights reserved

In the business world, Cheryl Perlitz is best known as the author of the popular book, "Soaring Through Setbacks - Rise above adversity - Reclaim your life" and her upcoming book “Survival Tips Handbook.”

Cheryl’s message to you; "TRANSFORM YOUR MOUNTAINS INTO OPPORTUNITIES FOR ADVENTURE AND POSITIVE CHANGE." You may contact Ms. Perlitz through her website at

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