The Advantages of Recumbent Exercise Bikes

Written by Michael Walker

Continued from page 1

•Recumbent Bikes are Safer

Because you sit back and lower torepparttar ground in a recumbent bike, it is better for your body. Most exercise bikes force you to hunch over, causing a stiff back. Some dual action bikes are back injuries waiting to happen. Recumbent bikes require that you sit with good posture as you pedal.

Recumbent bikes also offer one ofrepparttar 112835 few cardio workouts that put no pressure on your knees and other joints. You can’t “cheat” on a recumbent bike and stand up when you’re finding it more difficult to pedal. Standing like that on other types of exercise bikes puts unnecessary pressure on your knees and ankles. Recumbent bikes let your body exercise at an angle where your body weight is not stressing your joints. Even people with back and knee problems will find a recumbent bike easy to use.

•Why Men Should Choose Recumbent Exercise Bikes

So many men neglect their lower bodies when they workout, especially in strength training. It’s common to see buffed out men with giant biceps and tiny little bird legs. That’s because it’s easier to get an upper body workout at home. If you just invest in a recumbent bike, you can setrepparttar 112836 machine to high resistance. You will build leg muscle, and you can even do curls while you pedal.

Recumbent bikes can also allow men to get a great cardio workout withoutrepparttar 112837 discomfort that only a man knows on regular bikes or other types of exercise bikes. Withrepparttar 112838 large, comfortable seats of recumbent bikes, you are much more likely to enjoy your workout pain-free.

If you moverepparttar 112839 seat of a recumbent bike up a bit to bring your legs higher, you can even targetrepparttar 112840 lower abs and have to do less crunches to getrepparttar 112841 bottom of your six-pack!

•Things Women Should Know About Recumbent Bikes

Two words, ladies: legs and bottoms. Recumbent exercise bikes are so comfortable and easy to use that eventually you can do workouts giving you results like you’ve spent hours a day on a stair-stepper.

Recumbent bikes can give you a fat burning cardio workout with enough resistance to help you build long, lean muscle. Picture Tina Turner legs. Recumbent bikes also are great for your inner thighs. Using different programs and settings, you will be able to target different muscle areas in your legs for longer looking, leaner legs.

According to most polls, women claim in higher numbers to not have time for exercise because of more responsibilities inrepparttar 112842 home. Withrepparttar 112843 positioning of a recumbent bike, you can multi-task to more easily fit in a workout. You are able to read, catchrepparttar 112844 news, and even use a phone or your handheld organizer.

Finding a Recumbent Exercise Bike

With prices between $200 and $3000, there is quite a variety of recumbent bikes available. Userepparttar 112845 Internet to find great deals (including free shipping most ofrepparttar 112846 time). Becauserepparttar 112847 bikes are great for any level and help you to finally be able to stick with a safe and effective workout routine, you can splurge a little. This is definitely one ofrepparttar 112848 best investments you can make for your health.

Michael Walker is a freelance author providing useful information about exercise bikes, recumbent exercise bikes and spinning bikes.

How To PIck A Fitness Trainer

Written by Sheldon Gerard Ginsberg

Continued from page 1

Interviewing Trainer Questions – “What is your vision of exercise and how will you apply it to my life?”

2.Is Your Trainer Capable Of Objective Observation? – A professional trainer views you, your body and your goals objectively. They are always considering your needs ofrepparttar moment withrepparttar 112834 possibilities and potentials of exercise underrepparttar 112835 umbrella of your goals.

Training others is an art that requiresrepparttar 112836 fitness professional to wear many hats. Things that need to be considered during a session are:

·Howrepparttar 112837 client feels standing in front ofrepparttar 112838 trainer? ·What has happened duringrepparttar 112839 client’s day? ·How much stress isrepparttar 112840 client consistently under? ·What are their usual patterns of positive and negative daily health behaviors?

Interviewing Trainer Questions – “How do you assess me before each session?”

3.Can Your Trainer Adapt? – Whether you are in a crowded gym setting or a home gym environment your trainer must adapt your personalized exercise session torepparttar 112841 particulars of your body,repparttar 112842 moments needs and your long term goals. At any time he/she may need to vary weights, reps, sets, exercise, or movements based upon these ever-changing criteria. Client injuries, interruptions, distractions, mental meanderings and fatigue all play a role in each session. Does your prospective trainer have what it takes to manage you andrepparttar 112843 environment and keep you on track? After all, this is what you are paying for.

Interviewing Trainer Questions – “How will you deal with me and my program when things don’t go as you have planned?”

If you have decided to invest your time, energy and money into a health program make sure you are committing to someone who truly can deliver what you know you need as well as providing what you don’t know you need. A professional trainer is one who provides both.

Mr. Sheldon Ginsberg President of FitPath Health Services holds a Bachelors of Science in Exercise Science from State University of New York at Buffalo. In addition, he has obtained advanced certification as a Strength and Conditioning Coach from the National Strength and Conditioning Association and he is also a 12th level Reiki Master Teacher. To learn more you can visit or call 786-276-6143.

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