The ABC's of Raising Twins

Written by Michelle Marsh

Continued from page 1

I - Ice packs. Paired up with a kiss, it’s just whatrepparttar mommy ordered.

J - Jumbo. If it comes in jumbo size, that’srepparttar 110505 way we mothers of twins buy it.

K – Kisses. There’s nothing better than kisses from your little ones. They even come in a variety of flavors. Chocolate and dirt are two ofrepparttar 110506 most common.

L – Laughter. Try to laugh at your daily mishaps. Will your children really rememberrepparttar 110507 time you tried to feed them cheerios in a bottle?

M – Mother. You are no longer your mother’s daughter. You are now her clone.

N – Nights. You will experience many sleepless nightsrepparttar 110508 first few months of your twins’ arrival. Weren’t sleepless nights much more fun in college?

O – Offerings. Offer your significant otherrepparttar 110509 opportunity to spend quality time withrepparttar 110510 little darlings. Run torepparttar 110511 nearest spa! (Keep cell phone handy)

P - Potty Training. Good Luck!

Q - Quiet. Inrepparttar 110512 rare instance that children are simultaneously sleeping, savorrepparttar 110513 quiet.

R - Remember. Remember these days. You will one day wonder how it happened so fast.

S - Sacrifice. Who wanted to go out for a night onrepparttar 110514 town anyway?

T – Terrible Two’s. Be brave and remember these are your children and you love them. Their behavior is a force of nature and uncontrollable.

U – Utility Room. Now you know why they make Super Capacity Plus machines.

V - Voices. No, you’re not crazy. There really are little people saying your name over and over again.

W - Whisper. Teach everyone inrepparttar 110515 house this technique for keeping babies asleep.

X - Xtras. Two extra people to love and love you back.

Y - Young. Keep smiling. Your babies are keeping you young at heart.

Z - Zzz’s - Try to catch some. Tomorrow starts early.

Michelle Marsh is the mother of two sets of boy/girl twins. She is the proud owner of Twin Gifts & Invitations - Offering Twin shower invitations, birth announcements, gifts and keepsakes. Sign up for exclusive sales and promotions at

10 Positive Discipline techniques for children

Written by Kenia Morales

Continued from page 1

3.Redirect children to other games,you,toys etc when misbehaving.

4.Praise child’s efforts and improvements.

5.Offer child simple choices.

6.Be reasonable.

7.Make deals.

8.Be flexible.

9.Time out

10.Be reasonable and patient – Always keep in mind that children can not behave like adults. So make sure your expectations are not too high

Kenia Morales is the publisher of online magazine "For Every Aspect of Today's Woman. Visit her site to find a variety of women related issues and topics" click here to find Kenia's little piece of heaven her inspirational column

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