The 7 Ultimate Laws Of Success

Written by Angel Low

Continued from page 1

5. The Law of Polarity The Law of Polarity states that everything has an opposite. When there is a negative, there is a positive. Just as there is hot and cold, light and darkness, male and female, North and South Pole, there is a bad side and a good side to every earthly situation. The worserepparttar situation seems,repparttar 129908 more positive a situation is lying underneath. Thus, if something you perceive as negative happens, recognizerepparttar 129909 positive in it and focus onrepparttar 129910 positive. Many people haverepparttar 129911 habit of looking or focusing only onrepparttar 129912 negative side of situations and other people.

Sometimes in your life, something perceived as negative may happen. Focusing on how negativerepparttar 129913 situation is and brooding over it means that you are attracting even more negative energy. Instead, applyrepparttar 129914 Law of Polarity. For every negative situation that happens, there is a positive side to it. Therefore, focus onrepparttar 129915 positive aspect ofrepparttar 129916 situation. Ask yourself “How can I benefit from this?” By doing so, you redirect your energy to attract more positive energy instead of negative energy.

Something can happen to you. But it is you who choose to let it get you down or to makerepparttar 129917 most of it. It is up to you to choose to focus onrepparttar 129918 negative and let it get you down or to seerepparttar 129919 positive ofrepparttar 129920 situation and make use of it to help you in your life. One great challenge that everyone faces today is something known as "failure" to most people.

For every perceived failure, there is an opportunity to step out and move into a better situation. When you have an outcome that you perceive as failure, it is only a perceived failure. Use it and take advantage of it. Be aware that it is a sign that you should change your strategy. Every perceived failure is not permanent failure but feedback. It is only permanent failure if you let it stop you from achieving your goals.

6. The Law of Detachment The Law of Detachment states that one should be detached fromrepparttar 129921 process by which one’s goals are realized or whetherrepparttar 129922 goal is replaced by something higher and better. You may be at point A and your goal is to get to point B. You will have your own plans to get from point A to point B, but do not be too fixated on these plans; be open torepparttar 129923 fact that there may be other routes that will take you to point B. This does not mean that you do not research, plan and take actions towardsrepparttar 129924 attainment of your goals. The principle inrepparttar 129925 Law of Detachment is to be detached fromrepparttar 129926 result andrepparttar 129927 process of getting it. In not fixating on any one approach you know of to get to point B, you are stepping intorepparttar 129928 world of Uncertainty. Another word for uncertainty is Infinite Possibilities. In being detached fromrepparttar 129929 process of getting what you want, you open yourself torepparttar 129930 wisdom of uncertainty which brings along infinite possibilities.

When you are too attached, you suffocate creativity, fluidity and spontaneity which interfere withrepparttar 129931 process of achieving your goals.

So if something perceived as unpleasant or negative happens to you and you attach yourself torepparttar 129932 meaning you give it, it will be nothing more than a negative event in your life. But if you detach yourself fromrepparttar 129933 meaning you give to it, you will be able to see other meanings which could accelerate your success.

Detachment fromrepparttar 129934 negative meaning of an event or thing will bring you intorepparttar 129935 realm of infinite possibilities. Many opportunities came about from a problem when someone detached from its negative meaning. 7. The Law of Energy Transmutation

The Law Of Energy Transmutation is one ofrepparttar 129936 most powerful laws that can help you realize your goals. “Transmute” means to change from one form to another. The Law Of Energy Transmutation states that energy fromrepparttar 129937 formless realm is constantly being transmuted into its physical form inrepparttar 129938 physical world. Know that this energy inrepparttar 129939 formless realm is inexhaustible and limitless.

The successful understand this law whilerepparttar 129940 unsuccessful are too blinded by what they see with their physical eyes. Becauserepparttar 129941 successful understand this law, they are much less affected if at all by what they see. They know that whatever they see is only a manifestation of their desires.

What you see in this physical world is only a manifestation of someone’s desires. Allrepparttar 129942 wealth and achievements of great men like Andrew Carnegie, Henry Ford and many more were onlyrepparttar 129943 manifestations of their desires. Their wealth and achievements were once non-existent inrepparttar 129944 physical form but they were brought into physical existence fromrepparttar 129945 formless realm byrepparttar 129946 practice of this law together withrepparttar 129947 other success techniques.

Start unlockingrepparttar 129948 power within you and learnrepparttar 129949 success techniques to tap into your superconscious mind to transmute your desires fromrepparttar 129950 formless realm into their physical equivalent.

Now that you know this great power that is within you, make this powerful law a part of your life, thoughts and actions and see your desires become manifested. Transmute any form of energy be it negative or neutral into a more useful and success-oriented form to achieve unlimited success.

To getrepparttar 129951 7 Ultimate Laws Of Success free E-course, go to

Copyright © 2004 The Ultimate Success Manual All Rights Reserved

Angel Low is the author of The Ultimate Success Manual. This manual is the complete blueprint for achieving great success. It contains the proven success principles and techniques that many successful people have proven to work.

Enhancing Vulnerability To Master Perfectionism

Written by Kate Hufstetler

Continued from page 1

* Second, take one significant area of your life and open up yourself to this person. Choose an area where you know you struggle with other peoples perceptions of how you look in that area. Begin to share about a current or former situation. Share your joys, share your struggles, share your doubts. Ask questions. Listen to feedback. Be willing to accept insight, help, and accurate views about yourself. And take note of how this response in no way negates their high opinion of you already. Torepparttar other person—you will begin to become a real person, someone human and able to be related to.

* Lastly, begin to slowly extend this new adventure of trust to other people around you. It is important that inrepparttar 129905 beginning you become vulnerable to trustworthy people. If you open up to someone you respect and value. Inappropriate people will always give you feedback that you discount. Your goal is to realize you don’t have to be superhuman to be loved, accepted, and fit in. So choose wisely.

Until next time-- allrepparttar 129906 best, Kate

Kate Hufstetler is a well established Personal Life Coach. Her clients come from both the United States and overseas. She offers coaching services via email and phone consultations. For more information and current highlights please visit:

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