The 5 step program to getting listed on Google fast.

Written by John Lafferty

Continued from page 1

5) After you have your site ready forrepparttar spider bots you should search sites that are related to your own sites theme and get them to link to your site. The best way to do this is by typing your main keywords intorepparttar 143806 search engines and seeing what sites listrepparttar 143807 highest. Write a short email torepparttar 143808 top ranking sites webmasters and state that you have viewed there site and whish to trade links with them. Tell them about something you enjoyed reading on there site and how you would like to link to it through your own site. Then ask them to link to a particular part of your site. Keep doing this over and over.

John Lafferty is a freelance web content writer who has been creating articles and website content for the past three years. If YOU want to CASH IN on the Booming Google Adsense Revolution Taking Place RIGHT NOW, Then This Could be The Most Important site YOU ever see-->

The five step program to getting quality traffic.

Written by John Lafferty

Continued from page 1

4)Getting a top listing in a search engine for a highly searched keyword is obviously a very good way to get lots of quality traffic. Unfortunately its getting harder these days to get a top listing sorepparttar best way to get quality traffic is either to pay for it or link for it. There are many sites out there that get large amounts of quality traffic a day just through there links. This is a very important strategy and should be used even if you chooserepparttar 143805 buy option.

5)Buying traffic is a option open to anybody. Its not really that expensive and if you plan it out properly you could end up getting a lot of free traffic from it as well. Google adwords is probablyrepparttar 143806 most famous. Also overture and a whole host of other pay per click search engines. Just remember to keep an eye on your spending and stick to your budget. Always be smart about your keyword choice and try to spend as little as possible on your pay per click campaign’s. Userepparttar 143807 free option withrepparttar 143808 pay option to maximizerepparttar 143809 return on your efforts.

John Lafferty is a freelance web content writer who has been creating articles and website content for the past three years. If YOU want to CASH IN on the Booming Google Adsense Revolution Taking Place RIGHT NOW, Then This Could be The Most Important site YOU ever see-->

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