The 5 Most Common SEO Mistakes

Written by Kalena Jordan

Continued from page 1

Also, search engine algorithms have become smarter and are now checking that sites contain highly relevant content before including them in their index. If you expect to rank well for a particular keyword or phrase, it’s not too much to expect to find that keyword or phrase within your site is it?

4) Submitting to 1,000 Search Engines

I love this one. I’ve lost count of how many banner ads or web sites I’ve seen boasting "We’ll submit your site to 1,000 search engines!" I can’t believerepparttar hype is still prevalent that you need to submit a web site to thousands of search engines in order to receive traffic. This is just NOT TRUE.

In fact, studies show that approximately 90% of search traffic still comes fromrepparttar 128046 10 major U.S. search engines and directories (listed here: ). Companies that advertise submission to thousands of search engines are usually including in that list minor engines or directories that utilizerepparttar 128047 databases of major engines anyway (so don’t require submission) or a large number of Free For All (FFA) sites. Submitting your site to FFA pages can damage your site’s reputation inrepparttar 128048 search engines, because they consider FFA sites to be of very low quality and utilizing spamdexing techniques in an attempt to falsely inflate a site’s link popularity. I’ve even seen examples of sites being banned from a search engine for having their pages listed on FFA sites by ill-informed webmasters withoutrepparttar 128049 site owner’s knowledge.

If you are targeting specific geographic markets, you might like to submit your site torepparttar 128050 most popular regional search engines in those countries, butrepparttar 128051 fact is that most people worldwide continue to userepparttar 128052 U.S. versions of search engines such as Yahoo and AltaVista despiterepparttar 128053 fact that there are local versions available. The bottom line? Get your site listed onrepparttar 128054 10 most popular search engines and directories and you will haverepparttar 128055 major worldwide traffic sources covered.

5) Resubmitting Too Soon and Too Often

So you’ve optimized your site and submitted it torepparttar 128056 most important search engines. But it’s been three weeks and you haven’t received any traffic. Time to resubmit, right? WRONG. Depending onrepparttar 128057 search engine, they can take up to twelve weeks to include your site in their index. Each search engine and directory work to their own time frame. You need to check their average submission times (a chart is here: and be patient.

So when you’re in, what then? You should regularly submit to ensure you’re ranked above your competitors, maybe once a month or once a week, right? WRONG AGAIN. Once you’re in a search engine’s database, there is no need to resubmit your site. It’s pointless actually, because they already know about your site and their robot is scheduled to revisit and reindex all sites inrepparttar 128058 database on a regular basis. Resubmitting wastes everybody’s time and can actually get your URL permanently banned from a search engine for "spamdexing".

The only time you need to resubmit your site to a search engine is if your URL changes or if your domain suddenly drops out of their database entirely. NOT if your ranking drops, NOT if your content changes, but ifrepparttar 128059 domain is actually nowhere to be found inrepparttar 128060 index (this can happen from time to time asrepparttar 128061 search engines Spring clean their databases). A good SEO will monitor your rankings regularly (monthly is fine) and only resubmit when absolutely necessary.

So those arerepparttar 128062 five most common SEO mistakes. Any sound familiar? Don’t worry, you’re in good company. Now that you’ve recognizedrepparttar 128063 problem areas and are better equipped withrepparttar 128064 correct information, you’ll be able to reverserepparttar 128065 damage.

Article by Kalena Jordan, CEO of Web Rank. Kalena was one of the first search engine optimization experts in Australia & New Zealand and is well known and respected in her field. For more of her articles on search engine ranking and online marketing, please visit

TAG, You're it! Using Keywords in Your Tags

Written by Janet L. Hall

Continued from page 1

No more then a 1,000 characters are advised; however, please remember that each search engine and directory may have their own set of criteria of what is acceptable and what's not. The keywords you include here MUST and should be used throughout that web page to help get a higher ranking in some ofrepparttar search engines.

4.Another TAG, that many don't utilize, isrepparttar 128045 author TAG, yet another place you can insert your keywords. HotBot is one ofrepparttar 128046 search engines that will recognize your keywords use in this TAG:

5.HotBot and Inktomi search engines also consider keywords found in your comment TAG:

There are several other TAGS that can be used in you HEAD TAG, but I feel these arerepparttar 128047 most important that will give you a good start.

Now make sure you userepparttar 128048 END HEAD TAG

Okay, lets put that all together to see what it will look like on your web page:

disorganized? organizing help, clutter tips, organizing tools

life you've been dreaming of, clutter free, get an overhall">

TIP: Each page on your web site needs to be given it’s OWN HEAD information.

Editors NOTE: Inrepparttar 128050 examples above, anything typed in lower case should be replaced with YOUR title, YOUR description, YOUR keywords, and YOUR author and comment information. Inrepparttar 128051 examples aboverepparttar 128052 TAGS have been typed in UPPER CASE; however, this is not necessary when entering this information onto your web page. All brackets and other symbols need to be typed in as presented inrepparttar 128053 above examples.

Happy TAGGING and "OverHalling" your site!

One more TIP: Please rememberrepparttar 128054 keywords you are using MUST be reflected inrepparttar 128055 page content ofrepparttar 128056 page you are trying to improve or build.

Next time, we'll discuss using TAGS and keywords inrepparttar 128057 body of your pages.

The Organizing Wizard, Janet L. Hall, is a Professional Organizer, Speaker, and Author. She isrepparttar 128058 owner of OverHall Consulting, and Organizing By Phone. Subscribe to her FREE organizing newsletter at or visit her web site at

Copyright 2001 by OverHall Consulting P.O. Box 263, Port Republic, MD 20676 All Rights Reserved. Permission is granted to reproduce, copy, or distribute so long as article is kept intact, this copyright notice and full information about contactingrepparttar 128059 author is attached.

The Organizing Wizard, Janet L. Hall, is a Professional Organizer, Speaker, and Author. She is the owner of OverHall Consulting, and Organizing By Phone. Subscribe to her FREE organizing newsletter at or visit her web site at

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