The 3 C’s of Getting Your Foot in the Door of a Prospect

Written by Kathleen Gage

Continued from page 1

Creativity – Many people read a book onrepparttar “skills” of cold calling and selling. Do Step A and you get Result B. Fact is, there will be times getting your foot inrepparttar 119852 door is about trusting your creativity.

How often have you gotten an intuitive thought or a feeling to try something different? And how often does reason take over intuition? Some ofrepparttar 119853 most successful sales professionals trust their intuition and inner knowing to lead them to step throughrepparttar 119854 door ofrepparttar 119855 unknown.

It is inrepparttar 119856 willingness to explore unique methods for approaching any given situationrepparttar 119857 magic of selling will occur. The next time you “get that feeling” be willing to explorerepparttar 119858 creativity of your idea and watchrepparttar 119859 magic happen.

Consistency – Success is often notrepparttar 119860 result of big actions, but rather one tiny action at a time. It is inrepparttar 119861 consistency of our actions on a daily basis; makingrepparttar 119862 call, following up on a regular basis, inputtingrepparttar 119863 names intorepparttar 119864 database, and having a system that allows us to free our minds of unnecessary concern and clutter. Whenrepparttar 119865 mind is clear, there is more opportunity to be creative and walk in a place of courage. This allows for truly servingrepparttar 119866 needs of your customers and clients.

Selling is not about closingrepparttar 119867 deal. It is aboutrepparttar 119868 desire to serve others throughrepparttar 119869 products and services we provide. Serve well.

Kathleen Gage is the co-author of “101 Ways to Get Your Foot in the Door” quite possibly the most creative book on lead generation and sales you will ever read. For FR*EE tips on Getting Your Foot in the Door visit To receive Gage’s FR*EE report “Learn How a Salt Lake City Base Business Consultant Make over $100,000 from One Idea” visit

An Often Overlooked Strategy for Getting Your Foot in the Door

Written by Kathleen Gage

Continued from page 1

It is a good idea to have a cross section of testimonials you can use in your sales and marketing process. This way, regardless of your clients’ situation, you have a testimonial that will address their needs.

Don’t be afraid to ask for feedback. Asking for a testimonial is not arrogant or egotistical. When you go above and beyond, most people are willing to let others know how much they appreciate you or your product.

A short time ago my most recent book was released. Myself and my co-authors have enjoyed increased daily sales with 101 Ways to Get Your Foot inrepparttar Door. Although many people are telling us how fun, creative and usefulrepparttar 119851 book is, I knew if we could get testimonials from readers we would be able to use them in our marketing and promotions efforts.

I sent an email out to a few dozen folks who had purchasedrepparttar 119852 book asking for written feedback. Within minutes I began receiving testimonials. Here two ofrepparttar 119853 dozens I received:

“I was pleasantly surprised reading 101 Ways to Get Your Foot inrepparttar 119854 Door. I was so impressed that I am requiring my sales staff to read it and we are getting together to discuss how we can implement some of these ideas into our marketing campaigns. Great job!” Michele Michalewicz, CTP, President, Western Leisure, Inc.

“101 Ways to Get Your Foot inrepparttar 119855 Door was full of great ideas to separate sales people fromrepparttar 119856 ordinary. This is a must have book for those that want to be remembered and stand apart fromrepparttar 119857 ordinary sales person or marketing company. This book has been referred back to often and will be a permanent addition to our business library. Thank you for putting these ideas into a book.” Craig Watkins, Owner, Premium Exteriors and Coatings of Utah

What Craig and Michele have said is a greater testament to a potential buyer than me telling them how greatrepparttar 119858 book is. And notice what it is doing for them… their testimony is added visibility for their company. A win/win situation.

Although testimonials are great to use, keep in mind that they do not replacerepparttar 119859 simple act of asking potential clients forrepparttar 119860 business. Testimonials are simply another key aspect of an effective success strategy.

If you are in any form of sales and are tired of cold calling visit to receive fr*ee tips on getting your foot in the door and staying ahead of the competition. Author Kathleen Gage is a business advisor, keynote speaker and trainer who helps others increase revenues and decrease costs by gaining dominance and visibility within their market.

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