The 3 Cs of Effective Marketing

Written by Julie Chance

Continued from page 1

Continuousness: Repeat your clear message, consistent look and identifying tag line over and over and over again. Remember it takes as many as five to 15 contacts with a prospective customer before they remember who you are, understand how you can help them and are willing to purchase. Atrepparttar point you become bored with your materials your prospects are just beginning to notice them.

Review all your materials from your website to your business cards to your brochures and ask yourself these questions:

Is my message clear? Have I clearly definedrepparttar 119784 action I want my customer or prospective customer to take?

Is my message consistent? Do all my materials have a consistent look and feel? Am I consistent with my use of colors? Is there a consistent element such as a logo or tag line that ties all my materials together?

How many different ways and how frequently am I getting my message in front of my clients and prospective clients? Is my target market seeing my message on a consistent and regular basis?

Implement these 3 Cs and marketing your product or service might even be easier than getting your kids to clean their rooms or teaching your puppy to sit.

© 2004 STRATEGIES-BY-DESIGN. May be reprinted with credits and contact information.

Julie Chance is president of Strategies-by-Design, a Dallas-based marketing consulting firm specializing in marketing programs. If you are interested in additional information about how to develop more leads, turn those leads into loyal customers, and obtain a greater return from your marketing investment, Julie invites you to sign-up for their free marketing tips newsletter at

How To Predict Your Way To Wealth

Written by Dwayne Jones

Continued from page 1

The general predictions are 'foundational' and extremely important in giving you a clear, 30 thousand-foot view of where things are heading, what's coming our way and what changes are going to happen torepparttar online world. The specific predictions are based onrepparttar 119783 general ones.

Nobody can make specific, accurate predictions aboutrepparttar 119784 net,repparttar 119785 web, technologies and products ofrepparttar 119786 distant future simply because it is invisible to us; way beyond our viewpoint. Readrepparttar 119787 following statements to see what I really mean:

“Whorepparttar 119788 hell wants to hear actors talk?” Harry Warner, Warner Brothers Pictures, 1927.

“I think there's a world market for about 5 computers.” Thomas Watson, chairman of IBM, 1943.

"Man will never reachrepparttar 119789 moon regardless of all future scientific advances.” Dr. Lee De Forest.

“Heavier-than-air flying machines are impossible.” Lord Kelvin, president, Royal Society, 1895.

“There is no reason anyone would want a computer in their home.” Ken Olson, president, chairman and founder of Digital Equipment Corp., 1977.

“640K ought to be enough for anybody.” Bill Gates, 1981.

I’m talking aboutrepparttar 119790 near 'visible' future of Internet Marketing. How near is 'near'? I’m talking aboutrepparttar 119791 years 2005 and 2006.Revealingrepparttar 119792 future will help you make accurate plans, steer away from threats and sail safely towards opportunities. "To stay ahead ofrepparttar 119793 pack, you don't have to berepparttar 119794 best, justrepparttar 119795 first."

"Ninety percent ofrepparttar 119796 technology hasn't even been developed yet." - Tim Armstrong, Google's vice president of advertising.

Berepparttar 119797 First to PROFIT from Amazing OPPORTUNITIES And Avoid Fatal Online Business THREATS By Fully REVEALINGrepparttar 119798 FUTURE of Internet Marketing! To get 378 Internet Marketing Predictions for 2005-2006 log onto: .

God Bless!

Dwayne Jones M.S.I Business Development

Dwayne Jones is the founder of M.S.I Business Development. He has spent his the last nine years developing small businesses online and offline.He has spent years going through trial and error in hope to help others avoid the same mistakes. He is dedicated to helping others create new and innovative ways of creating multiple streams of income.

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