Continued from page 1
meantime, you have to drive traffic to your site via other means. You'll need to submit it to directories, negotiate reciprocal links with other complementary web sites, start publishing a weekly ezine (electronic newsletter) and start promoting that to start developing your own opt-in list, start writing articles and submitting them wherever you can (including a link to your site in
resource box at
end is good free advertising) and, shudder, advertising. And not in
FFAs and free classifieds either. In other people's ezines. On other people's websites. In
classifieds section of newspapers (yes,
kind that leaves black stuff on your fingers when you read it). All of this costs money. Plenty of it. If you're running a network marketing business, you're also going to need to pay for leads during this period as well.
MYTH#5 - I Don't Have To Spend Money To Market My Business
FACT - Yes, you do.
You wouldn't expect to be able to market an offline business without financial outlay. Well, guess what? It's just
same in your online business. See Myth #4.
Oh, and by
way, when you're re-reading Myth #4, keep this in mind. You haven't made a dime yet.
MYTH#6 - I Can Put
Whole Thing On Autopilot And Make Money While I Sleep (Or Vacation)
FACT - True. To a point.
By automating as many of your tasks as possible you necessarily free up time to do other things. You COULD use that time to sleep or vacation and you MAY make money while you're sleeping or vacationing. THIS time. But you must sow before you can reap and if you're not continually planting and growing your business,
time will come in
not too distant future when you have nothing left to harvest. You'll wake up one morning and find that, far from filling your inbox with overnight orders, your business has bitten
So, instead of taking that freed up time and spending it sleeping or vacationing, spend it working your business.
In other words, you'll get out of your business precisely what you put into it. Just like anything else in this world. Funny about that.
MYTH#7 - I Don't Have To Deal With People, I Can Do Everything Via Email
FACT - Email is what you use to handle routine administrative issues and a tool to get prospective customers or networking partners to contact you. Once that happens, you take
relationship OFFLINE. You get on
phone and actually TALK to these people. The Internet is not an iron curtain that protects you from having to have real life conversations and relationships with people. It's just a tool that brings you together so that
real work of establishing relationships can begin. Offline.
MYTH#8 - I Will Be Able to Fire My Boss And Work Where I Want, When I Want ... In Six Months Or Less
FACT - Don't give up your day job just yet.
MYTH#9 - When I'm Working For Myself From Home In My Online Business I Will Be Able To Spend As Much Time With My Children As I Want
FACT - When you're running a business you're running a business. It's not a pleasant little hobby that you fit in between
stuff of your REAL life. If you're not going to run your business as a business, forggeddabouddit.
MYTH#10 - The Internet Is A Magic Wand
FACT - See Myths#1 through #9.
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Elena Fawkner is editor of A Home-Based Business Online ... practical business ideas, opportunities and solutions for
work-from-home entrepreneur.

Hello, and welcome to A Home-Based Business Online. I'm Elena Fawkner. An attorney in my real life, I relocated to Los Angeles from my native Melbourne, Australia, in July 2000.
Before the move, I worked full-time as a corporate lawyer in Australia and had been running AHBBO, dedicated to work-from-home entrepreneurs, part-time since July 1999.