's property listings reach the billion dollar mark.

Written by

Continued from page 1

“Forrepparttar past two years, we were mainly geared towardrepparttar 103190 Residential Investor, but as we continue to grow, we are seeing an increased demand for Commercial Properties to be listed with us. While we still support both Residential and Commercial markets, this next year's focus is exclusively onrepparttar 103191 Commercial Market. We will then see where that takes us.” says Joel Webb, CEO of's website already receives more traffic than 80% of it's Commercial competitors' sites. These sites have been in business a while and just got started inrepparttar 103192 Commercial Market. The findings above continue to affirmrepparttar 103193 website's greater growth potential withrepparttar 103194 addition ofrepparttar 103195 Commercial market.'s Commercial Market can be viewed at: Buy Smarter, Sell Faster, Think Creative!

Top 10 Mistakes to Avoid When Joining a Professional Association

Written by Donna Gunter

Continued from page 1

6. Acknowledge that it might take you a year or more -- inrepparttar right group -- to buildrepparttar 103189 trust others need to have in order to do business with you. Don't expect to walk into a group of people who do not know you and expect them to buy what you're selling or to enter into a joint venture with you. They have to get to know, like, and respect you before they're interested in doing business with you.

7. If you decide to join a group, you need to join a committee or two to get to knowrepparttar 103190 membership. Simply showing up once or twice a month to a meeting will not help you get to knowrepparttar 103191 other members ofrepparttar 103192 group. It is atrepparttar 103193 committee level whererepparttar 103194 real networking occurs and where you will develop deeper relationships with other members of your association.

8. Ensure thatrepparttar 103195 groups you join don't have essentiallyrepparttar 103196 same membership. If you're attending various group meetings and you seerepparttar 103197 same faces again and again, your time and money would probably be better spent diversifying your professional association memberships.

9. Is your industry over-represented inrepparttar 103198 group? I've attended some meetings of groups that were full of real estate agents or financial planners, andrepparttar 103199 group wasn't a professional association of either industry. Make sure your group is well-balanced in terms of member industries and that there is room withinrepparttar 103200 group for someone from your industry to join without stepping on toes.

10. Only participate in groups that meet at a time of day when you're at your best. If you're not an early morning person, those "rise and shine" breakfast meetings probably won't work for you. Several groups I joined in Little Rock meet during lunch, and I've discovered thatrepparttar 103201 middle ofrepparttar 103202 day isrepparttar 103203 most difficult time for me to get away. Consequently, I've reducedrepparttar 103204 number of groups to which I belong who have lunchtime meetings, as that's just not convenient for me.

Joining professional associations can be a very powerful tool for growing your business--if approached with forethought and planning. Take some time this week to determine how this strategy fits into your overall business marketing strategy.

Donna Gunter is a Self-Employment Expert and Small Business Coach. She helps overwhelmed self-employed professionals become masterful managers of their businesses by coaching, training, and consulting with them on 8 key strategies proven to help them work smarter and make more. Visit her website at and subscribe to her newsletter, Work Smarter Make More.

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