That Does Not Compute

Written by Terry Jones

Continued from page 1

This list is just offrepparttar top of my head ... .... you can use your computer for any imaginable task e.g. Inrepparttar 123786 not too distant future your computer will run your house for you.

The one thing that stops you from doing any or all of these things now is a lack ofrepparttar 123787 basic understanding/knowledge of your computer. Sure your reading this article so that means you can receive email or browserepparttar 123788 web but what happens if they don't work any more? Do you have enough basic knowledge to rectifyrepparttar 123789 simple problems or would you rather wait for your computer to be 'fixed' byrepparttar 123790 local technician?

More than 80% of most computer problems could be resolved with just some basic computer know-how. I have known people to go without a computer for a few days only to find a cord was loose on their mouse.

Your first task after buying a computer should be to learn aboutrepparttar 123791 basics of your computer. There are online courses, college courses and tutors available to help you do just that.

So takerepparttar 123792 initiative and getrepparttar 123793 most out of your computer otherwise you are wasting your time money and 'That does not compute!'

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Terry Jones has been involved inrepparttar 123794 Computer Support industry for 20 years and isrepparttar 123795 author of "Computerese ... make your computer easy", "Keyboard Capers", "Conquering Windows 98" and "Fun with Files & Formatting". He can be contacted by email to - OR

Terry Jones has been involved in the Computer Support industry for 20 years and is the author of "Computerese ... make your computer easy", "Keyboard Capers", "Conquering Windows 98" and "Fun with Files & Formatting". He can be contacted by email to - OR

How to Explode Your Prosperity with Free Gratitude Dollars

Written by Doug C. Grant

Continued from page 1

Fill in ten of your fifteen dollars. I know, you could probably fill more and will inrepparttar future. But ten is a good start.

At least twice a day, thumb through your Gratitude Dollars. If you're alone, say something like ‛Thanks for' and read out loudrepparttar 123785 word you've written. It will take only about 30 seconds. Far less time than visitingrepparttar 123786 Empire State Building.

When you think of something new to be thankful for, fill out a blank Gratitude Dollar and add it to your pile. If your pile gets too big, take some ofrepparttar 123787 dollars out. You can always rotate them back in from time to time.


Simple. Effective. It works because my mother said it would. I also read it inrepparttar 123788 Bible and every self-help book on my shelf.

When you live in a state of thanksgiving, doors of prosperity will open for you. Maybe not right away. Particularly if you've been a chronic hand-wringer. But open they will. It might be next week, next month or maybe not for a year. However, you'll be wonderfully surprised atrepparttar 123789 many doors that your new attitude of gratitude will open.


It costs nothing. Obligates you to nothing. And can open a new world of prosperity for you.

The only thing required is consistency and that becomes easy once you've establishedrepparttar 123790 habit of counting your Gratitude Dollars at least twice a day. More is better.

Carry your dollars with you and use them to fill empty moments. For example, when sitting at a red light, waiting onrepparttar 123791 telephone or even just walking downrepparttar 123792 street. Every time you use them, your gratitude attitude grows.

Remember,repparttar 123793 big difference between lack and prosperity is often gratitude failure. Invest some Gratitude Dollars into your life and turn that failure into profit. ___________________________ ______________

Get more facts, techniques and information about living healthier, happier and being more productive. Subscribe Free to Doug C. Grant's bi-monthly e-zine, THE EMPOWERED MATURITY PAGE. It's directed towardrepparttar 123794 over 50 Crowd but good reading for anyone wanting to boost their life up a notch or two. Subscribe at:

Doug C. Grant retired from a successful career as a nationally recognized business writer & marketing consultant. He now helps members of the 'Over-50', crowd (or any age) live healthier, happier and more productive lives throughhis Empowered Maturity Web Site ( and an on-line interactive seminar.

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