That Brilliant Vitamin: Vitamin B

Written by Charlene J. Nuble

Continued from page 1

Vitamin B6 Pyridoxine which is also known as pyridoxal phosphate is used inrepparttar production of red blood cells and inrepparttar 140491 biochemical reactions involved inrepparttar 140492 metabolism of amino acids. It is also responsible inrepparttar 140493 synthesis of of antibodies inrepparttar 140494 immune system and helps maintain normal brain function. Vitamin B6 deficiency is rare except for alcoholics. It causes skin disorders, abnormal nervous system known as neuropathy, confusion, poor coordination, and insomnia. Inflammation ofrepparttar 140495 lips, tongue andrepparttar 140496 rest ofrepparttar 140497 mouth are oral symptoms of Vitamin B6 deficiency. Vitamin B6 can be found in organ meats, brown rice, fish, whole grains, fortified breads and cereals, and legumes.

Vitamin B9 Folacin is a Vitamin B-complex which interacts with Vitamin B12 forrepparttar 140498 synthesis of DNA which is important for all cells inrepparttar 140499 body. Folacin, a combination of Vitamin B12 and Vitamin C, is essential inrepparttar 140500 breakdown of proteins and production of red blood cells, tissue growth, and cell function. It also stimulates appetite and formation of digestive acids. Folacin deficiency causes anemia, stunted growth, and irritation ofrepparttar 140501 mouth. Alcoholics,repparttar 140502 malnourished,repparttar 140503 poor,repparttar 140504 elderly, and those who have certain illnesses are usuallyrepparttar 140505 ones found to be Vitamin B9 deficients.Vitamin B9 is found in legumes, citrus fruits, whole grain cereals, and green vegetables.

Vitamin B12 Cyanocobalamin like all other Vitamin B-complex is essential inrepparttar 140506 processing of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats. Vitamin B12 is also needed for maintenance of our nerve sheaths, activates amino acids during protein formation, and helps inrepparttar 140507 perpetuation of cells and fomation of new ones. One interesting thing about Vitamin B12 is that it cannot be absorbed byrepparttar 140508 body unless combined with mucoprotein made inrepparttar 140509 stomach. Once Vitamin B12 attaches torepparttar 140510 mucoprotein, it travels inrepparttar 140511 small intestine to be absorbed byrepparttar 140512 body. Vitamin B12 deficiency is recurrently seen in strict vegetarians who do not take vitamin supplements. A deficiency can also cause pernicious anemia which in turn causes weakness, numbness ofrepparttar 140513 extremities, and fever.

Pantothenic acid and biotin arerepparttar 140514 last two Vitamin B-complexes. Pantothenic acid is used inrepparttar 140515 breakdown of carbohydrates, lipids, and amino acids while biotin functions as a coenzyme in carboxylation reactions. There is no known disorder associated with pantothenic acid deficiency while deficiency in biotin can cause scaly dermatitis which is a skin disorder. Pantothenic acid is mainly found in meat, legumes, and whole-grain cereals while abundance of biotin is found in beef liver, mushrooms, and egg yolk.

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Charlene J. Nuble 2005. For up to date links and information about vitamins, please go to: or for updated links and information on all health related topics, go to:

How You Can Learn To Treat Depression

Written by John Maxford

Continued from page 1

The secure surroundings of a treatment facility for depression, are often reassuring to patients who are highly strung, nervous and anxious. With counseling, and other therapies, people suffering from post partum depression or other depressive disorders, have a chance to get back on an even keel, so that they can actively participate in their own recovery.

While there is such a thing as treatment resistant depression, there are also answers to that resistance, and consultation with your doctor, will help you find them. =========================================================== Find out what causes depression and how to deal with it. Sign up for free blog and get daily updated articles and news about depression treatment. Click

John Maxford is a software developer who spent many years suffering from depression. In his quest to find a cure, he socured the internet and medical publications learning all he could about depression. He discovered how to help himself, and has now written a series of article to pass that information on to others.

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