Text is for E-mail

Written by Bob Osgoodby

Continued from page 1

E-mails with no text, andrepparttar message they wish read is an attachment torepparttar 109715 E-mail, is another common mistake. If it's not from someone I know, it is immediately deleted. Why should I waste my time opening an attachment in an unsolicited E-mail? Ifrepparttar 109716 note is in "Doc" format it never gets opened, even if I knowrepparttar 109717 person. They could unwittingly be sending me a virus.

One way that works, is to includerepparttar 109718 message inrepparttar 109719 body ofrepparttar 109720 E-mail, and attach your HTLM message torepparttar 109721 note. That wayrepparttar 109722 recipient has a choice. Remember - text can be read by all E-mail readers and that is your best bet. Otherwise, you might be simply wasting your time.

Bob publishes the free weekly "Your Business" Newsletter Visit his Web Site at http://adv-marketing.com/business to subscribe and place a Free Ad for your business.

"You've Got Mail"

Written by Bill Platt

Continued from page 1

The good news is that as withrepparttar progression ofrepparttar 109714 Internet overrepparttar 109715 last 30 years, new technological breakthroughs are always improving our lives. Inrepparttar 109716 last few years, email notification systems have come into being. Email Notification software enables you to check multiple email accounts through one handy little application.

Inrepparttar 109717 early days of email notification software,repparttar 109718 interfaces were clumsy and difficult to use. This may explain why less than one half of one percent ofrepparttar 109719 net population has ever downloaded one of these applications. If you were to total up number of downloads for email notification software on CNET, ZDNet, and TUCOWS combined, it would not be surprising ifrepparttar 109720 total did not exceed 500,000 downloads inrepparttar 109721 last five years.

Most people do not even realize that applications like this exist. What is more, people who have heard about them often assume that only a computer guru would be knowledgeable enough to set it up. Maybe that wasrepparttar 109722 case... inrepparttar 109723 old days, but certainly not today.

Today, we have available to us a program called ePrompter (http://www.eprompter.com?ep2) which is a Free email retrieval and notification utility that automatically checks up to eight password protected email accounts for AOL, AltaVista, Earthlink, Email.com, Hotmail, Juno, Lycos, Mail.com, Mindspring, Netscape, POP3, Rediffmail, USA, Yahoo, ZDNetOneBox and hundreds of other email domains --- all atrepparttar 109724 same time.

ePrompter is great. I do not have to let my wife orrepparttar 109725 kids haverepparttar 109726 computer to check their email anymore. I can keep my ePrompter open and show them that there is nothing there for them to check. I do not even have to log off of my primary AOL account to checkrepparttar 109727 email inside of another AOL account. ePrompter painlessly handlesrepparttar 109728 details for me.

What is more, I can watchrepparttar 109729 rotating tray icon down by my clock, which keeps me appraised of how many emails are in each account by their individual color coded icons. The icon rotates every few seconds telling me how many emails sit in each account I have programmed into my system. ePrompter even has a screen saver that keeps tabs on my email accounts withrepparttar 109730 color coded images that tell me how many emails are waiting for me to view them in each account. Now I can sit in front ofrepparttar 109731 television and watch my favorite show and glance atrepparttar 109732 screen saver to see if that important mail I have been waiting for has arrived.

ePrompter even has its very own notification sound which is repparttar 109733 equivalent of "You've Got Mail."

Bill Platt. Among the services offered at http://IMIOBC.com , search engine placement, sales copy analysis and creation are very popular. http://GhostArticles.com

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