Tenderizing Meat and Other Uses For Home Exercise Equipment

Written by Nick Nilsson

Continued from page 1

* Tenderizing meat - of course, to accomplish this you’ll have to throwrepparttar meat at it really hard.

* Playing practical jokes on drunk friends - sit them inrepparttar 118285 machine then tell them to watch you as you run around it a few times and you’ll see what I mean.

* Pretending you’re Captain Kirk ofrepparttar 118286 Starship Enterprise - set phasers on "useless."

5. The Bowflex (tm) - This is a popular home exercise machine that utilizesrepparttar 118287 incredible power of bending things to sculpt your body.

* Conversation piece -repparttar 118288 classic display of this machine inrepparttar 118289 corner of your living room is sure to spur discussion. "You have how many payments left on this thing?"

* Tenderizing meat - remove one ofrepparttar 118290 bows and slaprepparttar 118291 meat silly with it.

* Burglar deterrant - setrepparttar 118292 machine in front of a ground floor window with all ofrepparttar 118293 bows rigged up torepparttar 118294 latch. Be surerepparttar 118295 thief signs a waiver before attempting to openrepparttar 118296 window, however, as he’s going to get up to 410 pounds of resistance right where it counts.

6. Electric Ab Training Belts - Electrocute your way to a flatter stomach!

* Unfortunately, they aren’t very good for keeping your pants up, so that’s out ofrepparttar 118297 question.

* Place mat/food warmer - somebody running late for dinner? Set their plate on it and turn uprepparttar 118298 juice!

* Memorabilia - writerepparttar 118299 words "Golden Gloves" on it and set it onrepparttar 118300 mantle right next to your "Big Mouth Billy Bass (tm)" singing plastic fish!

* Tenderizing meat - setrepparttar 118301 meat onrepparttar 118302 counter, placerepparttar 118303 belt on top of it, turn it torepparttar 118304 highest level, then lean down on it with all your weight as it tenderizes and sears atrepparttar 118305 same time!

* Driving safety gear - your spouse have a tendency to get sleepy atrepparttar 118306 wheel? That’s a thing ofrepparttar 118307 past when they’ve gotrepparttar 118308 belt on and you’ve gotrepparttar 118309 controls in your hand...

7. And last but not least, every piece of equipment that has handles, bars, hooks, stacks, pins, corners, rails, seats, clips, stands or attachments and does or does not come in a box...


Nick Nilsson is Vice President of BetterU, Inc., an online exercise, fitness, and personal training company. Check out his latest eBook "The Best Exercises You've Never Heard Of" at http://www.thebestexercises.com or visit http://www.fitstep.com. You can contact him at betteru@fitstep.com or subscribe to BetterU News, his fitness newsletter at betterunews@fitstep.com.

Cracked Up Glossary Of Common Gym Terms

Written by Nick Nilsson

Continued from page 1

11. Olympic Bar - Athlete’s nightclub.

12. E-Z Bar - "How dare you! I’m not that type of bar."

13. Squat rack - The lonliest piece of equipment inrepparttar gym.

14. "It’s all you!" - Said by spotter duringrepparttar 118284 last few reps of a set. Translatation: "It’s mostly me."

15. Pro-hormones - Hormones that have lost their amateur status.

16. Meal Replacement Supplement - Cold pizza and warm beer.

17. Clean and Press - Surprisingly enough, it’s a shoulder exercise, not laundry instructions. A variation of it is even known asrepparttar 118285 Hang Clean and Press.

18. High Intensity Interval Training - Occurs when there are two or more flights of stairs leading up torepparttar 118286 gym.

19. Skullcrushers - An exercise where you make like you’re going to bash your own head in with a barbell, a.k.a. lying tricep extensions.

20. "Holdrepparttar 118287 contraction atrepparttar 118288 top and squeeze for 10 seconds" - Said by a personal trainer when he or she wants to punishrepparttar 118289 client for missing a session.

Now that you’ve got an idea of what is being said atrepparttar 118290 gym, you’ll be able to converse comfortably withrepparttar 118291 natives. You will be completely understood in any gym inrepparttar 118292 world when you walk in and say "I just did two sets of high intensity intervals and now I’m ready for some forced reps" or "I’m taking a lot of meal replacement supplements because I’m bulking up."

Nick Nilsson is Vice President of BetterU, Inc., an online exercise, fitness, and personal training company. Check out his latest eBook "The Best Exercises You've Never Heard Of" at http://www.thebestexercises.com or visit http://www.fitstep.com. You can contact him at betteru@fitstep.com or subscribe to BetterU News, his fitness newsletter at betterunews@fitstep.com.

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