Ten steps to building a good credit history

Written by Drahcir Semaj

Continued from page 1

For more information on how to dispute errors on your credit report, visitrepparttar Federal Trade Commission website at: http://www.ftc.gov/bcp/conline/pubs/credit/crdtdis.htm.

6. Apply for a credit card. If you're rebuilding your credit history, consider applying for a secured credit card. To get a secured credit card, you'll need to deposit funds withrepparttar 112574 credit card issuer and your credit limit is usually equal torepparttar 112575 amount you deposit. A secured card can be usedrepparttar 112576 same way as an unsecured card and your timely payments will help to improve your credit history.

7.Apply for a department store or gasoline card. These cards are usually easier to get than major credit cards and they come with smaller credit limits.

8. Establish an account at a credit union and take a loan out on it. This is a secured loan. You'll have to pay interest onrepparttar 112577 loan, but if your payments are reported torepparttar 112578 credit bureaus,repparttar 112579 small interest fees will be worthrepparttar 112580 positive information that is added to your credit record.

9. Don't max out your credit cards. Maxing out your credit cards can hurt your credit score. Try not to use more than 30% ofrepparttar 112581 credit you have available to you. Part of your credit score measuresrepparttar 112582 amount of credit that your have available to you and how much you're using. The more credit you're using,repparttar 112583 more negative impact on your credit score.

10.If you get into trouble with your credit, get help. Don't wait until creditors send your accounts to debt collectors. If you can't make a payment contactrepparttar 112584 creditor and make arrangements to makerepparttar 112585 payment. If you feel that you're over your head in debt get help from a debt counselor

You can contact Equifax, Experian, and Trans Union at:

Equifax: http://www.equifax.com/ Experian: http://www.experian.com/ Trans Union: http://www.tuc.com/

About the Author Drahcir Semaj is a freelance writer. You can contact him at drahcir@drahcirsemaj.com. Or visit his website at http://www.drahcirsemaj.com.

It’s Not the Size of Your Bank Account

Written by Stephanie Yeh

Continued from page 1

So if you think that you have to wait until you winrepparttar lottery to start learning about money, think again. Now isrepparttar 112573 time to start, while it’s all very small. You can’t hurt yourself too badly when your bank account is small, and you can learn a whole lot. It’s neverrepparttar 112574 size of your bank account that matters—it’s how you deal with money, no matterrepparttar 112575 size of your bank account. And in this case,repparttar 112576 size does matter and smaller is better. Good luck on implementing this top wealth creating habit!

Stephanie Yeh and her partner have helped many other people achieve and experience prosperity with the help of a strong 15 year network marketing business. Her current project, the Journeyman Wealth Program, is aimed at helping 15 people a year fully achieve their dreams. Stephanie’s Prosperity Abounds website works on the basic principle that “You are the creator of your own reality!”. Get more details on her website at http://www.prosperity-abounds.com.

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