Ten Ways to MROI--Maximize the Return on Your Investment in Marketing

Written by Susan Dunn, M. A.

Continued from page 1

6. Where have your referrals come from? Rememberrepparttar 80/20 rule -- 80% of your referred clients probably came from 20% of your referrers. Rewardrepparttar 121422 people who refer to you. Find more like them. (For 80/20 rule see www.topten.org/public/AG/AG310)

7. What does your clientele look like demographically? What sex, age, income, education, occupation, hobby? Match your ads and promotions to where these people will be.

8. What'srepparttar 121423 'formula'? Can you verbalize it? Know precisely what drives traffic and revenue to you. For instance, mailing X number of flyers yields X new clients, costs $X, and takes X hours.

9. Did you factor in your time? If giving one teleclass yields less clients thanrepparttar 121424 above tactic, but only takes 1 hour and costs less, it's more cost-effective for you to give teleclasses.

10. And are you still creative? Making your marketing more business-like can't be done atrepparttar 121425 expense of your creativity. Both are necessary.

Susan Dunn is a personal and professional development coach specializing in marketing professional services. You can visit her on the web at: http://www.susandunn.cc.

Win-Stay, Lose-Shift: A Marketing Strategy

Written by Susan Dunn, Coach

Continued from page 1
It's so simple, monkeys do it.

Experimenters place a monkey in a cage with a blue button and an orange button. The monkey's curious, like humans, and he starts pushingrepparttar buttons at random. When he pushesrepparttar 121421 blue button, he gets a peanut, and he likes that a lot. When he pushesrepparttar 121422 orange button, he gets a spray of water in his face, and he doesn't like that.

So what doesrepparttar 121423 monkey do? He may testrepparttar 121424 situation out a couple of times, but it doesn't take him long to shift fromrepparttar 121425 orange button torepparttar 121426 blue button, and to stick with it: Win-Stay, Lose-Shift.

It's very important in marketing to monitor cause and effect constantly, and to pay attention to results--to ROIM--returns on investment slash marketing.

Know what you do that wins, and stay with it. Know what you do that loses, and shift to something else.

Susan Dunn is a personal and professional development coach focusing on emotional intelligence. Visit her on the web at http://www.susandunn.cc/

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