Ten Ways To Improve Your Customer Service

Written by Dan Brown

Continued from page 1

6. Make sure employees know and use your customer service policy. Give your employees bonuses or incentives to practice excellent customer service. Tell employees to be flexible with each individual customer, each one has different concerns, needs and wants.

7. Give your customers more than they expect. Send thank you gifts to lifetime customers. E-mail them online greeting cards on holidays or birthdays. Award bonuses to your customers who make a big purchase.

8. Always be polite to your customers. Userepparttar words your welcome, please, and thank you. Be polite to your customers even if they are being irate with you. Always apologize to your customers should you make a mistake. Admit your mistakes quickly and make it up to them in a big way.

9. Reward customers a point for every one dollar they spend. Let's say customers can get a free computer for 300 points. That means customers will spend $300 dollars on your products and services to get enough points to getrepparttar 103488 free computer.

10. Build strong relationships with your customers. Invite them to company meetings, luncheons, workshops or seminars. Create special events for your customers like parties, barbecue's, dances etc. This will make them feel important when you include them in regular business operations and special events.

Author Dan Brown has been active in internet marketing for the past 4 years. Dan currently is working with the Zabang search engine, introducing their new affiliate program...due out mid January 2005. Zabang Affiliate Program

Why Blog?

Written by Jill Hart

Continued from page 1

If you are blogging inrepparttar hopes of attracting customers, make sure to use wise use of words and links in your blogs. Try to avoidrepparttar 103487 “click here” link. Instead, opt for links within descriptive sentences. Addrepparttar 103488 HTML link withinrepparttar 103489 sentence and attach it torepparttar 103490 words that are closely related torepparttar 103491 page or site you are linking to. For example, to link to my website I would not use “click here” as my link. I would say, “Please visit Christian Work at Home Moms for home-based work resources” withrepparttar 103492 link withinrepparttar 103493 text.

There are many ways to get your blog noticed outside of optimizing them for Search Engines. For instance, there are entire websites devoted to listing blogs dedicated to any topic that you can think of. One ofrepparttar 103494 best such websites devoted to women-created blogs, is BlogDaisy.com. You can also use free tools such a FeedBurner.com to trackrepparttar 103495 traffic on your blog and to create a dynamic title box that can be used to display your blog headlines on your website or even in your email signature. Each time you update your blog, these headlines are instantly updated.

There are many ways to use a blog for either personal or business use. If used correctly, a blog can be a terrific tool to inform potential customers of your business. Be sure to update your blog at least once a week so thatrepparttar 103496 content remains fresh and you remain inrepparttar 103497 Search Engines.

Jill Hart is the author/editor of Christian Work at Home Moms, http://www.CWAHM.com.

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