Ten Universal Principles of Success

Written by Dr Kem Thompson

Continued from page 1

6.Set a SMART goal: Now that you know what you want to achieve or become, you need to define it by making it a goal. Your goal has to be Specific, Measurable (you need a standard to help you know when you’ve achieved it) and Motivational (it’s got to inspire you and keep you motivated), Attainable and Attractive, Realistic (no point setting an unrealistic goal such as “I want to be a millionaire this evening”) and Timed (State when you hope to achieve it).

7.Plan and Take Action: Work out a plan of action. Break downrepparttar plan into baby steps. Take a step or two each day, reminding yourself that each step is bringing you closer to your goal. Perform each act torepparttar 131121 best of your ability, filled with faith, determination and purpose to reach your goal. Most importantly, be consistent.

8.Persistence: Do not give up until you have achieved what you desire. Inrepparttar 131122 course of things, be willing to change any part of your plan which turns out not to work, and try something else. Thomas Edison did not give up in his quest to inventrepparttar 131123 light bulb, even though he’d ‘failed’ 10,000 times. Now that’s persistence! See every failure as a stepping-stone to success and as a temporary set back. Learn from it and push on towards your goal.

9.Gratitude: Maintain an attitude of gratitude, knowing that your dream is about to become a reality. Refuse to grumble when circumstances look contrary. Refuse to complain. Be grateful for where you are now, and for where you are headed. Look around for things to be grateful for. You’ll be surprised to find quite a few.

10.Become a giver. In your relationships, always think in terms of what you can do forrepparttar 131124 other person. What goes round comes round. After all, whatever dreams you have most likely involve interacting with other people. Be kind and generous to all; you never know where your breakthrough will come from.

11.Be inrepparttar 131125 know: Find out everything you can about your situation/goal. Read books, listen to tapes, and talk to experts, whatever it takes. This will help you make wise decisions and keep you confident as you go along.

Dr Kem Thompson is a Personal and Business Success Coach. She helps individuals and teams realize their full potential and achieve success in their personal and business lives. Contact her today to book a FREE coaching session. Her email address is kemthompson@onetel.net.uk

Procrastination: Why It's Bad For You and How To Beat It

Written by Dr Kem Thompson

Continued from page 1

There are many more disadvantages of procrastinating but I hoperepparttar few I’ve listed above have helped you realize it’s time to breakrepparttar 131119 habit.

If they have, that’s good. I have put together my top five tips for overcoming procrastination below. Read them, and put them into practice. Remember, one sure fire way to change a habit is by replacing it with another habit.


1.Do your least favourite tasks first. Get them over and done with, and then subsequent tasks will seem more enjoyable.

2.Decide to ‘Do It Now’! Let that be your mantra, then go ahead and DO IT NOW!!

3.Think of 5 benefits of doing it now. Here are some: ·You get more time to do other things. ·You get an increased sense of accomplishment, which leads to greater self-esteem. You feel very good about yourself. ·You don’t feel stuck because you’re getting things done: you feel free to move onto other tasks. ·You can concentrate on other tasks, so you are able to do them better. ·You reach your goals faster.

4.Keep a record of your progress. This will motivate and encourage you to continuerepparttar 131120 habit of doing things now.

5.Break down each task into smaller, easily manageable chunks. Then apply items 1 to 4 above to each chunk.

Dr Kem Thompson is a Personal and Business Success Coach. She helps individuals and teams realize their full potential and achieve success in their personal and business lives. Contact her today to book a FREE coaching session. Her email address is kemthompson@onetel.net.uk

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