Ten Tips to Organize Your Bathroom

Written by Barbara Myers

Continued from page 1

7. Make space for a small, lidless hamper or laundry basket. Otherwise, have a system for depositing used towels inrepparttar laundry room.

8. Use hooks instead of towel racks for kids. They'll be more likely to use them. Have as many hooks and/or towel racks as you have persons usingrepparttar 111568 bathroom.

9. Make a checklist of all products in your bathroom as well as those used by each individual. Review weekly before shopping.

10. Explorerepparttar 111569 variety of storage options you can use inrepparttar 111570 bath. Small countertop drawers can organize cotton balls and Q-Tips. Cutlery trays in drawers, plastic shelves underrepparttar 111571 sink, caddies which attach to doors, and rolling carts can all containrepparttar 111572 clutter that so often accumulates in this much-used room.

Barbara Myers is a professional organizer and speaker. Free tips booklet and e-zine to help you take control of your time by organizing your life. Visit http://www.ineedmoretime.com


Written by Arleen M. Kaptur

Continued from page 1

Holidays are not only a break from our work world, but an insurance policy forrepparttar future. We haverepparttar 111567 past to look upon and learn from, andrepparttar 111568 present gives usrepparttar 111569 time to slow down, reflect or remember, plan, and move on intorepparttar 111570 future.

Many people shy away from holidays because they are expensive and they usually end up paying for gifts two to three years downrepparttar 111571 line. Don’t fall into this trap of outdoing and outbuying. Nothing is more appreciated than something you have made or created. Store bought gifts and decorations are fine in their own right, butrepparttar 111572 joy of making your own with family or friends is chalked down to creativity, imagination and care. Bake your own celebration goodies, or prepare a meal that everyone contributes to and you haverepparttar 111573 makings of a great time. Let kids make their own musical instruments or party favors andrepparttar 111574 day will be grander yet. As for gifts, give fromrepparttar 111575 heart, notrepparttar 111576 pocketbook. Have a coffee lover, then buy a great coffee mug and fill it with “goodies”. Simple, personal, and definitely fromrepparttar 111577 heart. Have a quilter, artist, writer, secretary, doctor, bus driver, teacher, or any other interest or occupation on your list? Devise a fanciful way to celebrate who they are. If you knit or are creative, then by all means - be! Use your skills and talent to make gifts that are hand-made. If you lack inrepparttar 111578 “craft or skill” category, then imagination is free and abundant. Think of a gift that takes into account who this person is and what fine point in them that you find special. A simple gift box or basket with items related to their hobby or interest is always a heartfelt gift. A picture or book that they may have admired, or create a collage of their favorite items, laminate, and they have a coffee table tray or dresser tray to spark a smile or laugh for a long time.

Decorations should also be personal and do not have to be perfect. Let children help, as well as everyone inrepparttar 111579 household or office. Not only will you get great decorations, but a wonderful time of laughter, conversation, and downright fun.

Holidays are definitely a time of celebration. Make your own up for your private personal events, and make note ofrepparttar 111580 major ones. Write them on your calendar, plan, and make way for great moments, memories and heartwarming times. Don’t letrepparttar 111581 past press intorepparttar 111582 future. It has its place but so does today. The future will be better for everyone if you lend a hand, make a gift, string some homemade garland, and enjoy yourself. Your smile, your laugh, and your effort will go a long way - don’t be selfish and letrepparttar 111583 world do without. Without you, there will always be something missing. Let’s have complete, wonderful holidays to look forward to. ENJOY! ©Arleen M. Kaptur 2002 June

Arleen Kaptur has written numerous articles, cookbooks, motivational booklets, and the novel: Searching for Austin James Websites: http://www.arleenssite.com http://www.Arleens-RusticLiving.com http://www.webspawner.com/users/rusticliving http://topica.com/lists/simpleliving

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