Ten Steps for Creating Success Joyfully

Written by Neva Howell

Continued from page 1

5. Release expectations. Understand that Spirit may have a way of bringingrepparttar whole thing together, which your personality self has never even considered. Don't tierepparttar 131319 hands of your Higher Self, by insisting on a certain sequence of events. Trust that God will unfoldrepparttar 131320 perfect result. If you can takerepparttar 131321 position of "interested observer" it will be easier to let God work in your life. Consider how it would be if you tried to fly an airplane from your seat inrepparttar 131322 middle. How clear would your vision ofrepparttar 131323 entire sky be from that perspective. Better to trustrepparttar 131324 pilot.

6. Be willing to take it one step at a time. Get used to not being able to seerepparttar 131325 next step. It will be revealed when you have donerepparttar 131326 work needed inrepparttar 131327 present moment. Jumping ahead is one ofrepparttar 131328 biggest energy drains I can imagine. It's a little like trying to go 100 miles an hour with your foot onrepparttar 131329 brake. All you'll do is make a stink and burn out your brake pads!

7. Practice good will gestures. Find someone to encourage, lift up, or support. Inrepparttar 131330 reality ofrepparttar 131331 feedback loop, you will receive what you give out, andrepparttar 131332 support will be there when you need it. You are familiar withrepparttar 131333 Random Acts of Kindness movement a while back andrepparttar 131334 more recent Pay It Forward phenomenon. Both are rekindlings of a much older tradition: Do unto others what you you would have them do unto you! These ideas keep reemerging because they represent higher truth! It's an amazing truth that what you do comes back to you, so do something nice for no reason every day forrepparttar 131335 next 30 days.

8. Use conscious speech! Watch how you speak out about what you want to create--choose your words and images carefully. Don't push and don't push your ideas on other people. Share only with those who will support, encourage, and gently challenge weak points, from a position of support. Your body hears every word you say about your health. Your mind hears every word you say about your abilities and skills. Further more, your cellular memory records everything you think about yourself, whether you speak it out or not. Instead of saying "I'm terrible at public speaking" try "Inrepparttar 131336 past, I've tended to be challenged by public speaking but I am learning to be comfortable sharing my truth and awareness with others." Speaking in this way literally programs your mind to put your challenges where they belong -- inrepparttar 131337 past -- and to focus your thinking towardrepparttar 131338 future in a positive way.

9. Do something nourishing for yourself every day. Make a point of it. It doesn't have to be a big thing. A long hot bath is one of my favorite gifts I give myself. Affirm "I am deserving of receiving this vision into reality", to open your channels for receiving more goodness and success. When you stop punishing yourself for work not done or results not achieved, you begin to releaserepparttar 131339 taskmaster that has kept you enslaved to linear time results and projection. Yes, those things are there but they are notrepparttar 131340 law. They are a guideline and guidelines change. Be willing to enjoy wherever you are, even if it is not where you think you should be or projected you would be by a particular moment in time.

10. Endrepparttar 131341 day whenrepparttar 131342 day ends. Mayberepparttar 131343 most important tip of all - Letrepparttar 131344 day go atrepparttar 131345 end ofrepparttar 131346 day, without judgment or negative self-talk. Thank yourself for doing your best withrepparttar 131347 time, release any unfinished business to God and ask for dreamtime teachings, healing and help as you drop away to sleep.

Neva is a wellness counselor and Reiki Master. She is author of Moon Lodge Visions: An Acceleration Handbook and webmaster of the health and wellness portal at http://www.healthynewage.com

Don't Quit Your Job.....Yet!

Written by Myrtis Smith

Continued from page 1

6. Look to other areas of your life. Your problem may not be your job after all. If your spending habits are out of control, getting a job that pays more is not going to solve your problem. While you're examining things that are wrong with your job also invest time to see what in your life is not as you would like it to be. Problems in your personal life can affect your perception of your professional life (and vice versa).

7. Get more involved. Having a sense of ownership in what's going on at your company may change your perception. These days many employers are looking to their employees for feedback about how to make things better. Join a task team, help planrepparttar annual picnic, or write articles forrepparttar 131316 company newsletter. This type of activity will get you increased visibility and may lead to future opportunities.

8. Become a mentor. Unless you are atrepparttar 131317 very bottom ofrepparttar 131318 totem pole, there is always someone younger and newer withinrepparttar 131319 company who can benefit from what you've learned. Your experience and knowledge will help another individual avoid some ofrepparttar 131320 mistakes you've made. Sharing your experience with others is a great way to show yourself how valuable your experience withrepparttar 131321 company has been. Plus, showing a strong aptitude for mentoring could also paverepparttar 131322 way for a team lead or manager position.

9. Get to know people higher onrepparttar 131323 food chain. Managers, executives, and VPs all have a different perspective ofrepparttar 131324 organization thanrepparttar 131325 average employee. Talking with them may help you seerepparttar 131326 bigger picture and understand better how your role fits in. In addition, you can learn about their rise inrepparttar 131327 organization to help you set your own career path.

10. Check out your company's subsidiaries and affiliates. Sometimes you can leaverepparttar 131328 company without really leaving repparttar 131329 company. Acquisitions and mergers have created unique opportunities that enable you to go to other companies that your current employer may have a vested interest in. Working for a "friend ofrepparttar 131330 family" may allow you to retain your seniority, benefits and salary while atrepparttar 131331 same time working in a new environment.

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© Copyright 2002 All Rights Reserved. Myrtis Smith is a personal coach. Her mission is to help people create their preferred future and have fun doing it. Sign up for her free newsletter Change Now! available at www.premeditatedlife.com ...because life doesn't just happen!

Myrtis Smith is a personal coach. Her mission is to help people create their preferred future and have fun doing it.

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