Ten Amazing Ways to be More Attractive at a Trade Show

Written by Catherine Franz

Continued from page 1

5. Hire a model with brains and a marketing background to assist you. Someone "very attractive."

6. Do what they do in grocery stores, demonstrate how to use your product. Wear a mike and have a small speaker attached. Buyrepparttar headset mike like professional singers use. The connection to that alone will attract (second chuckle).

7. Wear clothes with your logo. Name tags are great for participants but displaying your logo or name is important for building your brand. If you can't afford to have them done, create your own. There are transfer materials made for your inkjet printers (see your office supply store), find some nice shirts/blouses, and go create.

8. Don't just stand behindrepparttar 120676 booth, go in front ofrepparttar 120677 booth and mix and mingle.

9. Stand up behindrepparttar 120678 booth with a smile. If you get tired go sit somewhere else and have someone there that has an attractive approachable energy. Rule of thumb is to rotaterepparttar 120679 energy every 30 to 60 minutes.

10. Display your web site name big and bold inrepparttar 120680 background. Makerepparttar 120681 name a different color thanrepparttar 120682 "www" andrepparttar 120683 ".com".

Catherine Franz is a marketing industry veteran, a Certified Business Coach, Certified Teleclass Leader and Trainer, speaker, author. Subscribe to her award winning marketing, writing or attraction ezines: http://www.abundancecenter.com

Discover 3 Alternative Methods to Boost Quality Testimonials

Written by Catherine Franz

Continued from page 1


All about auto responders: http://marketing-of- training.com/expert_advisors/ask_massimo/2002-03-23.htm

How to Write a High-Profit Auto responder Series http://javafaq.nu/article232.html

How to Use an Automatic Responder for Effective Prospect Follow-up http://www.isitebuild.com/automatic_responder.htm

3 -- Fill-in-the-Blank or Multiple Choice Form

You can design a "fill inrepparttar blank" or "multiple choice" form in HTML or in text. HTML is easier to complete yet can take too long to down load if long or in some international browsers.

You can sendrepparttar 120675 form through an auto responder system before or after completing something. They makerepparttar 120676 purchase you automatically send themrepparttar 120677 form. The form makes submission easier for them to complete and will increaserepparttar 120678 response rate.

There are software packages and vendors who will set up this form and trackrepparttar 120679 results for you.


How to Write HTML forms: http://www.cs.tut.fi/~jkorpela/forms/ http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/interact/forms.html#h-17.1

3. Web Survey Collecting

Use web surveys to gather their recommendations. There is software to help you create surveys and trackrepparttar 120680 results. Survey hosting can be an online based or PC-based product.

Web Survey Software

Perseus Software: Free trial offered, several versions available, price range $495-$995 http://www.perseusdevelopment.com/softwareprod/download.html

Survey-Said software http://www.surveysaid.com/survey-software-introduction.html

Hosted Software http://www.hostedsurvey.com/ Survey Pro http://apian.com/ $1195

Survey Vendors

SurveyMonkey.com http://www.surveymonkey.com. Basic is free, upgrade is $19.95. They offer a great comparison chart that I found very interesting.

Free White Papers, Articles, and ebooks on Survey How-tos.

How to conduct a web survey: http://www.websurveyor.com/create-an-online-survey.asp

Top-10 Web Survey Issues and How to Address Them http://www.digitalbiz.com/pages/library/research op_10.html

Set Your Web Survey Goals http://www.workz.com/cgi-bin/gt pl_page.html,template= 1&content=1326&nav1=1&

Perseus offers seven different white papers that will expand your knowledge on taking surveys. http://www.perseusdevelopment.com/surveytips/whitepapers.htm l


Four areas that will increaserepparttar 120681 quality of your testimonials:

1. Ask them what their goal was for usingrepparttar 120682 product/service 2. What positive emotions did they experience by usingrepparttar 120683 product/service? 3. Did they experience any reduction in fears and concerns after usingrepparttar 120684 product/service? What worries were removed from their lives? (Before and after picture) 4. How did _______ help other people in their lives?

Word count: 854

Catherine Franz is a marketing industry veteran, a Certified Business Coach, Certified Teleclass Leader and Trainer, speaker, author. Subscribe to her award winning marketing, writing or attraction ezines: http://www.abundancecenter.com

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