Telephone Job Interview Prepartion Tips

Written by Nathan Newberger

Continued from page 1

5. FIND YOUR LOCATION Stake out a quite space to occupy during your interview. Ideally, there should be a comfortable place to sit as well as a table to lay out your papers. Try and find a low-traffic spot where members ofrepparttar household are un-likely to disturb you.

6. ORGANIZE YOUR PAPERS Have a copy of your resume and cover letter close at hand. Take out those lists you made while organizing your thoughts. In addition keep any notes related torepparttar 138954 company that you feel may be helpful duringrepparttar 138955 call. Spread these items out across your table so they are easy to access. Only keep what is truly necessary. Too much paper can be a distraction.

7. GATHER YOUR WRITING TOOLS Place a notepad and several pens or pencils onrepparttar 138956 table. These will be helpful in writing down notes, questions and most importantly, your interviewer's names.

8. ELIMINATE DISTRACTIONS Asrepparttar 138957 appointed hour draws near, make sure thatrepparttar 138958 television andrepparttar 138959 radio are turned off. Exit your email and turn off your computer screen. If possible, disable your call-waiting. Let your family or roommates know aboutrepparttar 138960 timing ofrepparttar 138961 interview so they do not accidentally disturb you. Place a do not disturb sign on your door as a gentle reminder.

=================================================== CONCLUSION =================================================== By following these 8 basic tips, you are making a great impression and on your way torepparttar 138962 onsite interview. Remember,repparttar 138963 phone interview is very important and you should plan and prepare for it carefully.

This article can be read directly online at:

Sincerely, Nathan Newberger, Managing Editor

"Helping You Find More Jobs Faster"

Nathan Newberger is the job and career expert at Nathan has over 10 years experience in staffing and human resources. He has worked both as a recruiter and career counselor. Mr. Newberger has been the Managing Editor at for the past 5 years and his articles have helped thousands of job seekers.

Slow Down Before Hitting A Brick Wall

Written by Deirdre Maigread McEachern

Continued from page 1

When we haverepparttar opportunity to focus on appreciatingrepparttar 138953 moment, time is elongated.

So how come we only seem to do this after realizing a major achievement? How come we treat such moments like prized rewards as if we only deserve it as a rare pat onrepparttar 138954 back? Why not give this to ourselves more consistently? Why not practice it as a short break from whatever we are doing?

I'm talking about a form of gratitude I suppose. When we practice momentary, focused gratitude forrepparttar 138955 details of our lives, time stretches.

If you were running 50mph straight toward a brick wall, you'd slow down before you got there, right? Well isn't our graverepparttar 138956 physiological equivalent of a brick wall? No matter how many impressive projects we complete,repparttar 138957 end result isrepparttar 138958 same for each of us. So why are we in such a rush to get there?

The busier we are,repparttar 138959 faster time goes by.

I invite you to stretchrepparttar 138960 time of your life by sprinkling in a few moments of focused gratitude wherever you can.

You won't regret it.

Deirdre Maigread McEachern is an experienced writer, speaker and personal coach who works one-on-one to help her clients find their ideal career and create more balance in their lives. You can contact Deirdre at 207-439-4280, or sign up for her free e-newsletter at

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