Teen Suicide

Written by Jason Liptow

Continued from page 1
It is important to understandrepparttar factors and reasons that adolescents attempt and commit suicide in order to help stoprepparttar 148722 problem. It is also important to dispelrepparttar 148723 myths surrounding suicide amongst teens in order to gain a further understanding of how to stoprepparttar 148724 problem. One such myth is that people who talk about suicide never actually go through with it. This is probablyrepparttar 148725 most dangerous misconception, according to Laura Dolce in Suicide (47). A person who talks about suicide is thinking about it. He or she brings it up to test other people’s reactions and is usually a cry for help. Dolce also dispels other misconceptions in her book. It is believed that people who commit suicide leave notes. Dolce states thatrepparttar 148726 majority of suicides do not leave notes and is one ofrepparttar 148727 reasons that many suicides are ruled as accidents rather than suicides (47). Another myth is that people who survive a suicide attempt never try it again. Dolce points out that 80% of those who commit suicide have attempted it before. The reason for this, she reasons, is thatrepparttar 148728 problem causingrepparttar 148729 need to commit suicide has not been resolved (47). One ofrepparttar 148730 biggest assumptions made about suicides is that people from good families never commit suicide. Dolce dismisses this claim, also, as suicide claims people from all walks of life, whether rich or poor. In fact adolescents who come from so-called “perfect families” may feel even more pressure to excel (49). It is often believed that people who attempt suicide are crazy. Dolce again dismisses this as a horrible myth as many teens that commit suicide are not mentally ill but see no other solution to a problem that they are experiencing and see suicide asrepparttar 148731 only answer to their problems (49). Another myth among society about suicide is that those who have attempted or thought about suicide remain suicidal forrepparttar 148732 rest of their lives. Dolce stresses that while many teens who have attempted suicide are indeed at a higher risk for attempting it again, many go on to lead normal lives. In fact, 70% ofrepparttar 148733 general population has considered suicide at some time in their life but never go beyond that or act upon it (49). The last and possibly most important myth about suicide pertains torepparttar 148734 victim. Many adolescents are drawn to suicide because they believe that taking their own life is a way of exacting revenge. They perceive themselves as having “gotten back” at a parent, friend, or peer. What they fail to understand, according to Dolce, is that suicide is permanent. It is a loss for themselves and forrepparttar 148735 people who are left behind. Suicide does not get even with anyone (50). Once adolescents who are at risk for attempting suicide are identified it is important to help them through whatever they are going through to help prevent it. The American Psychiatric Association stresses thatrepparttar 148736 last things these teens need are a lecture or to hear allrepparttar 148737 reasons they have to live. What they need is to be reassured that they have someone they can turn to in order to discuss their feelings or problems, whether it is family, friends, school counselor, teacher, physician, or religious leader. (Teen Suicide APA). It must be a person who is very willing to listen and who is able to reassurerepparttar 148738 individual that their problems or depression can be treated. If, in fact,repparttar 148739 individual teen is suffering from depression, it is important to get them professional help from a psychiatrist or counselor (Teen Suicide APA). While teen suicide is a severe problem inrepparttar 148740 United States today, it is one that can be deterred, if not completely eliminated. Looking forrepparttar 148741 proper signs and knowing aboutrepparttar 148742 factors involved for at-risk teens is an important step in solvingrepparttar 148743 problem. All parents, teachers, counselors, and doctors should be aware of these signs. Even friends can play an important role in stopping suicide. Recognizingrepparttar 148744 signs and factors is justrepparttar 148745 first step in solvingrepparttar 148746 problem. Findingrepparttar 148747 proper treatment isrepparttar 148748 next step. But if at-risk students can be identified early then that is halfrepparttar 148749 battle. It’s a battle worth fighting since suicide is taking away so many promising young people from society and they are missing out onrepparttar 148750 wonderful gift of life. Works Cited

Dolce, Laura. Suicide. New York: Chelsea House, 1992.

Hafen, Brent Q., and Kathryn J. Frandsen. Youth Suicide: Depression and Loneliness. Colorado: Cordillera Press, 1986.

Marcus, Eric. Why Suicide? San Francisco: Harper, 1996.

Palazzolo, Rose. “Preventing Teen Suicide.” Psychology Today Online. May/June 2003. 20 May 2005. .

Shamoo, Tonia K., and Philip G. Patros. I Want to Kill Myself. Massachusetts: Lexington Books, 1990.

“Suicide Prevention.” Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance. Online. 27 May 2005. .

“Teens Attempting Suicide.” Online. 20 May 2005. .

“Teen Suicide.” American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. Online. 27 May 2005. .

“Teen Suicide.” American Psychiatric Association. Online. 20 May 2005. .

“Understanding and Preventing Teen Suicide.” Kidshealth. Online. 20 May 2005. .

Written by Jason Liptow, B.A. in Social Studies from Madonna University, teacher certification from Saginaw Valley State University in Social Studies and History is the webmaster of Social Studies Made Simple. The goal of the website is to provide information and links about history, economics, and current events to students and teachers. For entire article see www.socialstudiesmadesimple.com.

The G-8 and Other Figureheads

Written by Robert Bruce Baird

Continued from page 1
so on. Some of these were just corporations like Tartessus/Iberia competing with each other, no doubt. Some of them were working in concert and headed byrepparttar Phoenicians or Nobles likerepparttar 148117 Benjaminites or Carthaginians. There is much we must learn if we are to bring an end to these secrets but I am encouraged when I seerepparttar 148118 G-8 in 2005 claiming they will end export subsidies. This will allow local freedom to build infrastructure and plan businesses or farms. Buying local warlords has beenrepparttar 148119 standard operating procedure of Manifest Destiny for too long. The religions that proclaimed Manifest Destiny or Divine Right of Kings have shackled mankind for too many millennia and they always call each other names like terrorist or barbarian. But these religions are managed byrepparttar 148120 same inner sanctums or elite power-mongers who control trade.


"The clergy convertedrepparttar 148121 simple teachings of Jesus into an engine for enslaving mankind and adulterated by artificial constructions into a contrivance to filch wealth and power to themselves...these clergy, in fact, constituterepparttar 148122 real Anti-Christ.” – Thomas Jefferson

Author of Diverse Druids Columnist for The ES Press Magazine Guest 'expert' at World-Mysteries.com

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