Techno Witch and Magical Appliances

Written by Sam Stevens

Continued from page 1
The blender is a useful Techno-Witch tool for both gathering and banishing energy. The idea of a blender is to mix and mingle different elements … so you can take various ingredients (refer torepparttar Magic in Food article on this site) to create love potions using different ingredients. For instance blending strawberries, which is a love food, with vanilla ice cream (also love) with a touch of cinnamon (speed) could bring you a quick romance. Bring money to you by pulverizing spinach (money bringing) with cream (representsrepparttar 129974 smoothing of your path) to make a prosperity soup. If you are angry, you can also userepparttar 129975 blender to pulverize elements as described above. A lot ofrepparttar 129976 effectiveness of magick relies on your intent and your ability to visualizerepparttar 129977 outcome. Inrepparttar 129978 old days, witches used mortar and pestles to grind magical elements and release their essence intorepparttar 129979 aura. These days you can use a blender, chopper or even a coffee grinder. The stove has always been a witch's best friend butrepparttar 129980 microwave isrepparttar 129981 ultimate tool forrepparttar 129982 Techno-Witch. The microwave is great for producing accelerated results. One prosperity ritual involvingrepparttar 129983 microwave is to cook a bag of microwave popcorn and while each kernel pops, you make a point of yelling out a wish or desire. You can do this cooking popcorn as well, but I hearrepparttar 129984 microwave brings faster results. You can also use your television set or radio to practicerepparttar 129985 ancient art of bibliomancy and scrying. Only instead of using a book, you are using sounds… I guess I would call this Tvomancy or Radiomancy. Basically you ask a question and then randomly fliprepparttar 129986 radio and listen to what dialogue comes out first. You can do this too, usingrepparttar 129987 television remote… askrepparttar 129988 question andrepparttar 129989 first image or dialogue that comes to mind contains your answer. This is a form of Techno-Fortune Telling. Next article I will tell you how to be a Techno Witch using functions on your computer.

Sam Steven's metaphysical articles have been published in many high-standing newspapers and she has published several books. You can meet Sam Stevens at where she works as a professional psychic. You can also read more of her articles at where she is the staff writer. Currently she is studying technology's impact on the metaphysics.

Plants, Herbs, and Roots for Love

Written by Sam Stevens

Continued from page 1
Coriander: Carried onrepparttar person, sprinkled underrepparttar 129972 sheets or used in food recipes to deepen and strengthen an existing love relationship. Cumin: Used in recipes or sprinkled aroundrepparttar 129973 bed to keep a lover faithful to you. Deerstongue: Used to attract another ofrepparttar 129974 same sex. Usually is carried onrepparttar 129975 person in a locket or a sachet. Dill: Sprinkled aboutrepparttar 129976 home to protect and strengthen an existing love. Elecampane: Carried onrepparttar 129977 person as a love charm to attract a soul mate. Frangipani: Can be bought as an oil or commercial incense. The flowers are used to gainrepparttar 129978 confidence or trust of a person that you desire. Mildly compelling. Ginger: Used to arouse a reluctant lover or cure impotence. Typically sprinkled underrepparttar 129979 sheets. When added to other love drawing herbs it is said to accelerate desired results. Hazel: Two twigs bound with a red ribbon is said to reconcile estranged lovers. Jasmine: Can be bought as incense, oil or perfume. The flowers are rare, but if you can find them they are sprinkled onrepparttar 129980 bed or stuffed in a pillow to ensure a successful seduction. Lavender: Kept as a plant inrepparttar 129981 home or stuffed inside a pillow, this sweet smelling herb is thought to straighten out marital problems and ensure fidelity. Orange Blossoms: Used as oil, perfume, as a plant or in a sachet to attract a marriage proposal. Myrtle: A sprig of myrtle kept inrepparttar 129982 bedroom, on a mirror or hung aboverepparttar 129983 bed is said to increase fertility. Poppy Seeds: Stuffed in a lover’s pillow, these are thought to make him dream of you. Rosemary: Used in every way, ingested, as incense, as oil and in a sachet, to bind two people together in a gentle loving manner. Sweet Pea: An attraction flower. The plant is kept inrepparttar 129984 garden to attract friends and lovers. Bathing inrepparttar 129985 flowers is thought to increase popularity. Vanilla pods: Tucked underrepparttar 129986 bed, these are thought to lower another’s inhibitions. Carried onrepparttar 129987 person, vanilla’s vibration is thought to cause others to find you’re seductive. Can be bought commercially as perfume, incense and oil.

Sam Steven's metaphysical articles have been published in many high-standing newspapers and she has published several books. You can meet Sam Stevens at where she works as a professional psychic. You can also read more of her articles at where she is the staff writer. Currently she is studying technology's impact on the metaphysics.

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