Team Building Seminars: Why New Teams Struggle

Written by CMOE Development Team

Continued from page 1

New groups are particularly susceptible to this struggle when individual differences recognized and taken into consideration, or generalizations about motives and behaviors are made aboutrepparttar members of a group?

The first common stereotypical behavior to emerge, that we observed, was in male/female roles. More often that not, females are given a secondary role, are not allowed to perform physical tasks like lifting other, and are listened to only as a last resort. A more subtle stereotyping occurs when physical size is equated with strength, balance, and athletic agility. Often,repparttar 148836 largest male is often forced intorepparttar 148837 position of lifting, carrying, or pulling others even when activities in later exercises prove this stereotype, equating size with strength, is false.

We are constantly amazed, after only a brief introduction, how quickly generalizations are made about individuals. These stereotypes serve as blinders and keeprepparttar 148838 group from using allrepparttar 148839 resources available torepparttar 148840 team.

Action Items for Start-Up Teams

1.Jointly define howrepparttar 148841 group will function.

The challenge for a new group is to establish a way of operating that will allow process issues to be noticed, discussed, and taken into account asrepparttar 148842 group works onrepparttar 148843 tasks to be accomplished. New groups could profitably invest time in talking about some key issues:

  • How should we function as a group
  • How should we make decisions
  • What do we expect from one another
  • How will we monitor our process so that it doesn’t become a problem

Groups that become cohesive and maintain effective teamwork balance attention to tasks and to process issues. Effective team members do not fixate on either; they monitor both and openly discuss needed improvements.

2.Create a win-win atmosphere.

When teams are functioning effectively, disagreements or differing views are explored not to declare any one viewrepparttar 148844 winner, but to seekrepparttar 148845 best decision. A team, whererepparttar 148846 free flow of information is promoted, creates not a win-lose environment but an environment encouraging discussion that leads to better decisions than any ofrepparttar 148847 original positions presented.

The group will go through a phase when power struggles predominate unlessrepparttar 148848 leader or a team member establishes a mode of operation and has courage to point out when power struggles are occurring withinrepparttar 148849 team.

Functioning teams realize that leadership can shift from one to another member ofrepparttar 148850 team depending onrepparttar 148851 task at hand. The designated leader knows that leadership can be shared or transferred without any loss of power.

3.Manage fight or flight behavior.

Teamwork means managing fight or flight behaviors so they do not become counterproductive. All members takerepparttar 148852 responsibility for monitoring these behaviors and focusrepparttar 148853 group’s attention on resolving them when they occur.

4.Test out your assumptions about team members.

Teamwork demands clarity with regard to what each member wants, needs, and is willing to do. No assumptions are made or left unchecked. Profitable time can be spent discussing each team member’s answers to these three questions:

A.What should other team members do more of because it helps me be a more productive team member?
B.What should other team members stop doing because it hinders my productivity and contribution as a team member?
C.What should other team members start doing because this will help me be a more active and contributing member of this team?

An effective team building seminar will clarifyrepparttar 148854 various roles of team members and prevent stereotypes and assumptions from determiningrepparttar 148855 group’s behavior.

If you would like to learn more about a Team Building Seminar, and how it can help your team operate more effectively, please contact a CMOE Regional Manager. You can reach them at (801) 569-3444.

Finding the Groupware with a Grip on Ad Hoc

Written by Joe Miller

Continued from page 1

Steven R. Covey was insightful in pointing out that one ofrepparttar seven habits of highly effective people is “Begin withrepparttar 148835 End in Mind.” I would like to alter that slightly to say that in seeking for groupware that meets a business’s needs, a highly effective business will also begin withrepparttar 148836 end in mind.

Document sharing is a large part of what businesses do. Any business plan and budget will have to go through an editorial process involving groups from two to twenty people--maybe even more. As documents are sent around underrepparttar 148837 pressure of upcoming deadlines, and changes are saved in various email boxes and drives, a groupware that can track changes, chronology, and locations is necessary.

The following are some ofrepparttar 148838 elements you need in a good groupware package:

Digital Thread Technology

Digital Signatures

Version History



In your search for groupware technology to meet your business needs, remember to “begin withrepparttar 148839 end in mind.” Document sharing, ad hoc collaboration, document tracking across email boxes and hard drives, and compatibility with other users are necessary in today’s Information Age business environment. Though many content management solutions are available, if they don’t meet these needs, they don’t workrepparttar 148840 way your business works.

Joe Miller is an author of informational articles and online advertisements on business, technology, and health. Information on Groupware is available at

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